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Tax consulting is subject to major changes, with globalization and digitization being just two key factors. In KPMG's tax department, we follow global developments and analyze trends in national and international tax law. We also use the expertise of our international units.

As a result, we develop suitable solutions for basic tax consulting activities as well as for complex issues. Whether tax returns, annual financial statements, the introduction of a tax compliance management system or the digitization of the tax department - we support our customers in planning ahead and acting in a targeted manner as well as in compliance with the law. An important success factor in many projects is the linking of tax expertise with suitable technology solutions, because in the course of increasing regulatory requirements worldwide, the increasing relevance of data quality and availability and the shortage of personnel, the use of supporting tools is becoming increasingly important.

For our different target groups, from family entrepreneurs to multinational corporations to the public sector, we have committed contact persons who understand their customers' business and always have an open ear, a good idea and, if necessary, the right contacts. Because in the interest of our customers, we attach great importance to cooperation: Complex, often cross-border tasks require special skills. That's why we work in interdisciplinary teams with colleagues from different tax areas, but also other KPMG units such as Audit, Deal Advisory, our technology unit "Lighthouse" or the KPMG law firm.

Get to know our offer on the following pages and get in touch with us. We look forward to a non-binding initial consultation.

How we make the difference - our client cases

Publications and Events (in German only)

Further Information
