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In view of growing cost and competitive pressure, the development of new technologies is shifting more to suppliers. They can therefore develop into providers of solutions to problems. Above all, however, innovations can secure market position and market share.

Automotive suppliers are striving to transform themselves from international to global players. The expansion of production capacities in Europe, North America and Asia is backed by ambitious growth targets.

Development synergies, cooperations and acquisitions in high-growth market niches can open up new markets. KPMG helps you achieve your growth goals.

Our clients come from all areas of the German supplier industry. In addition to audit services, we also provide them with industry-specific solutions that make it easier for a business entity to respond to market trends.

Our Supplier Services

We offer auditing and comprehensive consulting services to business entities in the automotive supply industry:

  • Advice on site selection and relocation, for example, in new markets such as China, India, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East
  • Advice on the selection of cooperation partners domestically and abroad
  • Support with questions of R&D capitalisation, R&D management and relocation
  • Support for the definition and implementation of efficient and effective value-creation chains [VCT]
  • Development of security models for the full IT life cycle and assistance with the IT security structure
  • Performance of rigorous economic and financial due diligence
  • Audit of sustainability data and reports
  • Climate reporting and carbon footprints
  • Audit of management systems for environment, energy, health and safety at work, and quality
  • Global mobility services (e.g. international staff deployment)
  • Indirect tax services (e.g. value added tax, customs duty)

And much more.
