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The KPMG Market Compass summarises the most important information for assessing your hospital's market position. The modular structure combines market and competition, performance profile and referrer analyses. This allows you, with our help, to increase visibility of your performance and the competition. This enables you to identify opportunities and risks and derive measures directly from them.

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The KPMG Market Compass offers you the following service modules:

  • Analyse your market exploitation in defined catchment areas: Do you know the caseload potential in your catchment area? With the presentation of the market exploitation of your company and individual departments, you can identify growth regions and control the orientation of your offer, e.g. with regard to a focus and your market development.
  • Gain an overview of the most important competitors and partners: Knowledge of other service providers in the catchment area alone is not enough. An assessment of the competitive situation can be obtained from detailed analyses. By means of performance analyses and the comparison of DRG- or diagnosis-related focal points, you will get to know your competitors better, identify gaps in your service offering and get the opportunity to optimise your positioning on the market.
  • Create visibility in your service profiles: Do the specialist departments in your company have distinctive, transregionally effective focal points? With the help of targeted analyses, you receive a clear representation of the core service area, the medical case spectrum and the catchment areas for each specialist department. In this way, you can develop the focus of the hospitals and departments and thus help sharpen the service profiles of the departments in the market.
  • Identify your key specialist and primary physician referrers: The more you know about your referrers, the more accurately you can deal with them. The goal is also to detect non-referrers and potential referrers and to enable a targeted approach. Referral behaviour is tracked objectively over time. This way you gain precise and directly usable information. This provides you with a direct basis for addressing the right target group at the right time and with the right range of services.

With the help of the KPMG Market Compass, the most important data is prepared clearly and accurately. You gain a holistic, overarching view and can develop strategic measures directly on this basis – in the interest of a meaningful profile and focus, elaborate referrer management, clear market positioning and a sustainable strategic course for your hospital.
