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In the area of responsible corporate governance, it is also important to develop long-term sustainability strategies and ensure their operationalization, realization and monitoring.

Above all, this includes taking care of the major risks associated with sustainability and identifying and assessing risks in a timely manner.

Creating transparency, analyzing risks and developing due diligence strategies along the supply chain are also part of this area of responsibility, as is the expansion and implementation of circular economy strategies.

We support you in

  • The development of a comprehensive ESG framework that includes ESG risks, business lines and lines of defense;
  • the integration of ESG-related risks into your policies and procedures;
  • integrating the ESG framework into areas such as business unit strategies, risk management, third-party monitoring, and board accountability;
  • adapting your policies as necessary to reflect changes in emerging risks, operating environments or activities.

Our portfolio here includes professional consulting services around CSR and sustainability:

  • Integrating CSR and sustainability into governance systems - risk management, internal control system, compliance management system, internal audit.
  • Impact measurement and assessment: KPMG True Value
  • Human rights & social compliance
  • Climate (risk) management and reporting according to TCFD
  • Implementation and certification of management systems in the areas of environment, energy and occupational safety
  • Technical audits (e.g. EU-ETS, energy audits)
  • Sustainable Supply Chain