The challenge
The topic of sustainability moves the business world like no other. Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) addresses new and emerging changes in the business landscape with the aim of finding solutions to the challenges of our time. These include responsible and sustainable strategies, business models and operations, as well as investments and more sustainable solutions for business.
Sustainable Finance / EU Taxonomy
In principle, the change in the field of ESG in companies increasingly results in the need to incorporate ESG factors in relation to investment, financing, insurance and corporate finance strategies. Last but not least, in order to achieve the goals from the European Green Deal, a classification system for identifying sustainable economic activities was created with the EU taxonomy. This new regulatory requirement also requires reporting within the non-financial statement on the share of turnover, investments and operating expenses attributable to sustainable activities.
Responsible corporate governance with a sustainable orientation
In the area of responsible corporate governance, it is also important to develop long-term sustainability strategies and to ensure their operationalisation, realisation and monitoring. This includes, above all, taking care of the major risks associated with sustainability and identifying and assessing risks in a timely manner. Creating transparency, analysing risks and developing strategies to ensure due diligence along the supply chain are also part of this area of responsibility, as is the expansion and implementation of circular economy strategies.
The new EU Sustainability Reporting Directive (the CSRD) introduces mandatory auditing of sustainability reporting for the first time - in the medium term, reasonable assurance auditing is being considered.
External auditing of sustainability reporting is steadily increasing. In the case of the previously voluntary audits, an audit with limited assurance currently predominates. According to the proposals for the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), an external audit of sustainability information will become mandatory for the first time. An extension of the scope and depth of the audit to reasonable assurance is planned in the medium term. We are happy to support you in preparing for an independent audit of your sustainability information.
Conclusion: Far-reaching changes for the existing sustainability reporting as well as massive expansion to companies that were not previously affected.
Dealing with new sustainability reporting requirements is a major challenge for companies, but should in any case also be perceived as an opportunity. As a company, it is important to deal with the increasing requirements now in order to be best prepared for upcoming changes and to benefit from the increasing awareness of capital market participants for sustainability issues.
Our support for your ESG-related questions
1. EU Taxonomie
How can the EU Taxonomy Regulation be implemented holistically and efficiently?
2. Social Compliance
How do you manage to uphold your due diligence obligations along the supply chain?
3. ESG strategy
How do you embed the sustainability strategy for your company in the reporting requirements?
4. Requirements of the TCFD
How can TCFD be implemented or even optimised in your company?
5. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
How can you implement the requirements of the expected CSRD?
6. Sustainability Target Operating Model
How can your internal group structures be harmonised across the entire group in order to manage the increasing requirements and meet the rising expectations of investors?
7. ESG @Capital Markets
What steps are required in terms of ESG Reporting & Governance when preparing capital market measures?
8. Integrated Audit Services
How can I ensure and increase confidence in non-financial reporting?
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Your contacts
Johann Schnabel
Partner, Audit, Head of Regulatory Advisory, Head of Accounting Advisory Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Haiko Schmidt
Partner, Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft