

KPMG is the brand under which the member firms of KPMG International Limited (KPMG International) operate and provide professional services. Each firm is a separate legal entity and together they form the KPMG global organization. “KPMG” is used to refer to individual member firms within the KPMG organization or to one or more member firms collectively.

In many parts of the world, regulated businesses (such as audit and legal firms) are required by law to be locally owned and independent. KPMG member firms do not, and cannot, operate as a corporate multinational. KPMG member firms are generally locally owned and managed. Each KPMG member firm is responsible for its own obligations and liabilities.

Member firms in the KPMG organization are members in, or have other legal connections to, KPMG International, an English private company limited by guarantee. KPMG International acts as the coordinating entity for the overall benefit of the KPMG member firms but does not provide professional services to clients. Professional services to clients are exclusively provided by member firms.

Our structure is designed to support consistency of service quality and adherence to agreed values wherever in the world KPMG member firms operate. KPMG member firms commit to conduct their operations in compliance with a common set of values, standards and service quality expectations. Partners and employees within those firms commit to act with integrity at all times.

KPMG International and the member firms are not a global partnership, single firm, multinational corporation, joint venture, or in a principal or agent relationship or partnership with each other. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International any of its related entities or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International or any of its related entities have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.

Unless otherwise indicated, references in this website to a 'member firm' or 'member firms' are references to member firms of KPMG International.

KPMG International is a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales with company number 12474966. The registered office of KPMG International is at 15 Canada Square, London, E14 5GL.