Insights and guidance in challenging times
We are a global network of professional services firms whose consultants provide support to healthcare systems, provider and insurance organizations. We help healthcare leaders manage diverse challenges, such as differing stakeholder expectations, containing costs, addressing workforce, productivity, care quality and health equity issues. We also provide digital transformation support and guidance on how technology can improve operations and care delivery.
Our approach and qualifications
Globally, healthcare systems and organizations share common challenges, related to service access and demand, workforce shortages and staff burn out. These unprecedented challenges are forcing policy makers, payers, providers and suppliers to rethink how they work. In these challenging times, healthcare leaders require insights and guidance from professionals they can trust.
Around the world, governments, insurers and commercial healthcare providers turn to KPMG firms because of our wide breadth and depth of sector knowledge. KPMG uses a multi-disciplinary approach which allows us to pull resources from across geographies, disciplines, and areas of expertise from a network of 5,000 dedicated professionals focused on healthcare in more than 70 countries, territories, and jurisdictions. This network also includes almost 200 clinicians who have a wealth of frontline health and care experience from work as physicians, nurses, paramedics, social workers and other professions.
Often approaches that have worked in one jurisdiction can be applied to others. By collaborating globally, we are able to help ignite transformative change by leveraging a “global-local” approach that combines knowledge of domestic healthcare systems and their stakeholders with global insights, leading industry practices and subject matter experts, and a suite of market-tested digital health solutions.
What we do
Our dedicated network of healthcare sector audit, tax, and advisory professionals employ rigorous and proven methodologies, tools and approaches.

Providing assurance on external financial statements, internal audit services and in other areas
Transforming how models of care are designed, paid for across geographies
Helping organizations to ensure their digital environments are trusted and safe
A suite of digital solutions that help to address critical sector challenges
Providing strategic planning, procurement, implementation and enhancement support
Helping healthcare organizations to understand, plan, develop and transform their workforces
Examining opportunities to buy, sell, partner, fund or fix an organization to add and preserve value
Addressing healthcare barriers and strengthening service access, coverage and quality
Formulating and integrating environmental, social, and governance strategies
Enabling customer-centric, enterprise-wide digital transformation
Supporting rapid business modernization aimed at driving better functional performance
Helping organizations to improve quality, patient and staff satisfaction, or reduce costs through organization-wide transformation
Delivering modern tax services and data-driven solutions in healthcare organizations care system redesign
To support technology transformation in healthcare organizations, KPMG has built a strong network of alliances with some of the world’s leading technology, data and services companies. KPMG, along with our alliances, offer global reach and combined abilities to tackle pressing technology-based challenges such as cloud transformation, leveraging AI, data and analytics, and protecting highly sensitive information in a digital world.
Strategic alliances
Delivering accessible, affordable, high-quality care can be particularly challenging for island communities throughout the world, given their geographical locations and smaller scale. KPMG’s global center of excellence for island health works to identify and adapt leading practices for islands, undertake new research to share the challenges, and develop island-based approaches.
Global center of excellence for island healthcare
Industry insights
Our people
Connect with the healthcare leadership team, your gateway to strategic partnerships and expert guidance for navigating the complexities of today's sector landscape.
Dr. Anna van Poucke
Global Head of Healthcare, KPMG International, and Healthcare Senior Partner
KPMG in the Netherlands
Anwer Khan
Global Healthcare Sector Technology Leader, KPMG International; Partner, Advisory, Customer and Operations, Health and Government
KPMG in the U.S.