As an auditing company, we bear a great social responsibility - we are aware of this. We put our passion into high-quality audit services for the security of our clients.
Our offer
Through our integrated audit of financial and sustainability information, we leverage synergies and provide our clients with holistic support for all regulatory changes that companies face now and in the future.
The audit of sustainability reporting is fully integrated into our audit of financial statements. The common business understanding of our integrated audit team and the integrated audit methodology improve risk assessment in the context of audit planning and lead to an efficient audit of both financial and sustainability information. The simultaneous use of the results of specific audit procedures is efficient and avoids duplication of work. With our data-based, standardised audit approach, we map the integrated audit according to the maturity of the available data basis.
Our promise
Quality and technology leadership: As an auditing firm with over 130 years of experience, we accompany our clients with foresight, certainty and precision. Our focus is on quality using future-proof technology with our cloud-based audit platform KPMG Clara. Our quality assurance forms the basis and is a matter of course.
This is what sets us apart
Our promotion of young talent
A varied job, teamwork and social relevance - these are just three of the many reasons why being an auditor is an attractive profession that is attracting more and more young people. Increasing digitalisation means that more and more technological solutions are being used, and with regulatory requirements obliging companies to report on their environmental and social commitment, the audit of non-financial key figures is also moving further into the foreground. This makes the profession even more diverse and up-to-date. In the video, six of our audit colleagues talk about what they value about their profession and what it means to them.
KPMG promotes training to become an auditor through various measures and programmes and supports young talents in their career development.
Are you interested in a career in auditing?
Then discover your entry opportunities here. We look forward to hearing from you.
Your contacts
Christian Sailer
Vorstand Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Michael Pritzer
Partner, Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Haiko Schmidt
Partner, Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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