AI is transforming auditing by automating audit steps, sharpening the precision of data analyses and enabling continuous audit execution. This increases efficiency, makes it possible to focus on higher risks and strengthens the overall quality of the audit.
Co-piloting vs. auto-piloting: The transformative power of generative AI in auditing
The technology enables a data-driven audit that complements traditional audit methods and meets the demands of a constantly evolving business world.
We see AI as a valuable technology for increasing quality and efficiency in the audit of annual financial statements and in the audit of sustainability reporting. However, human judgement remains critical to audit quality.
In the areas of application, a distinction is made between auto-piloting and co-piloting, whereby the AI is either predominantly automated (autonomous) or used as a guided digital assistant in close cooperation with the user.
Chart (in German only)
Innovation is at the heart of KPMG. Through our alliances with leading technology companies and the added value of our global organisation, we are able to continuously integrate cutting-edge audit technology, such as artificial intelligence, into our global smart audit platform KPMG Clara.

Digital audit with KPMG Clara
On our global smart audit platform KPMG Clara, we combine our many years of experience as auditors and expertise in digitalisation with powerful technology. The result is a globally consistent and at the same time highly individualised audit approach with the aim of offering our clients the highest level of quality, protection and security today and tomorrow.
To this end, KPMG Clara makes the relevant data and information available in one place at all times, thereby creating a high level of transparency throughout the entire audit process. With the KPMG Clara workflow, our employees around the world carry out the audits in accordance with the relevant standards. KPMG Clara-Group-Audit is used to present the audit of the consolidated financial statements. KPMG Clara-Client-Collaboration is a key element for efficient communication and interaction between clients and engagement teams based on cloud technology. The AI-powered technology of KPMG Clara-Analytics bundles our analytics tools, enables intelligent, data-driven auditing and provides valuable insights into business processes. Our clients also benefit from advanced technologies from our strategic alliances, for example with Microsoft. KPMG Clara utilises AI technology from our alliance partner MindBridge to enhance the identification of unexpected or high-risk transactions and provide the highest level of audit quality.Allianzpartner MindBridge, um die Identifizierung von unerwarteten oder risikoreichen Transaktionen zu erweitern und ein Höchstmaß an Prüfungsqualität zu bieten.
Chart (in German only)
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Christian Sailer
Member of the Managing Board, Divisional Director Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Rainer Thiede
Partner, Financial Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft