The economy is changing faster than ever. Digitalisation is transforming industries, disruptive business and work models are emerging, and cut-throat competition on global markets is becoming fiercer. At the same time, geopolitical disruptions are shaping the business environment. And the megatopic ESG - Environmental, Social, Governance - is becoming increasingly relevant in society and business.
Our KPMG Audit DNA: Focus on quality with people at the centre
We know what is important now, what will be important in the future - and how companies can use the change for their benefit. As an auditing firm with over 130 years of experience, we advise our clients with foresight, certainty and precision. Our focus is on quality using the latest technology. Our globally networked experts in auditing and audit-related consulting in the areas of Accounting & Process Advisory, Risk & Compliance Services and Forensic not only bring a broad range of specialist knowledge to the table, but also represent the personal touch of KPMG's Audit division. Because for us, people are at the centre of all technical solution competence.
Integrated solutions for companies
Our service provision is strongly influenced by regulatory changes and future topics, to which we react flexibly and quickly. As auditors and audit-related advisors, we recognise changes, anticipate challenges for our clients and develop suitable solutions. Security and reliability are becoming just as important in the area of sustainability as in financial reporting. We have integrated the audit of sustainability information into the traditional audit of financial statements and accompany you with a comprehensive service portfolio as a holistic and globally networked partner in ESG-related issues.
Christian Sailer
Member of the Managing Board, Divisional Director Audit
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Get to know us
In focus
Videos (in German only)
- How important sustainability reporting is for the world's largest companies
- European study on EU taxonomy
- Sustainability Reporting 2024/2025
- Profit forecasts in securities prospectuses
- Cybercrime remains a serious threat to businesses
- IFRS 18: How companies will communicate their financial performance in future
- CSRD in professional football: score sustainably.
- Digitalisation in accounting 2023/2024
- IFRS model consolidated financial statements 2023
- CGO – the Governance Magazine
- Sustainability reporting - stocktaking and trends
- Earnings forecasts in securities prospectuses
- Using Artificial Intelligence, but responsibly: Pathways to comprehensive AI Governance
- White-collar crime in Germany: Assessment of the current threat situation
- CGO - the Governance Magazine. Focus: ESG
- Minimum Safeguards - How companies can implement the EU sustainability criteria
- CSRD: Trends in sustainability reporting 2022
- Internal audit: from control body to value driver
- Digitalisation in Accounting - Edition 2022/2023
- Financial Reporting – It Matters
Blog articles (in German only)
- Entwaldungsfreie Lieferkette: Das sollten Sie zur EU-Verordnung wissen (06.09.2024)
- So nutzen Sie das CSRD-Momentum: Fünf Erkenntnisse (16.07.2024)
- Cyberkriminalität in Deutschland: Bedrohungslage verschärft sich (24.06.2024)
- Rote Karte für Geldwäscher – Geldwäscheprävention im Profifußball (19.06.2024)
- Intercompany-Abstimmung: 5 Hacks für schnellere IC-Prozesse (12.06.2024)
- Green-Bonds-Verordnung: Investieren soll leichter werden (03.05.2024)
- Jahresbericht: So können Sie die Qualität steigern (15.04.2024)
- Albtraum Datenleck: Wie kommen Unternehmen kontrolliert aus der Krise? (18.03.2024)
- Third Party Risk Management in fünf Schritten (14.12.2023)
- Continuous Accounting: der tagesaktuelle Finanzabschluss (12.10.2023)
- Die Zukunft der Digitalisierung des Sustainability-Reportings (21.09.2023)
- Die Digitalisierung des Sustainability-Reportings ist überfällig (21.09.2023)
- EU will mit neuer Verordnung entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten schaffen (06.09.2023)
- US-Börsenaufsicht verlangt Offenlegung von Cybervorfällen (10.08.2023)
- Viele Unternehmen sind auf Klimarisiken unzureichend vorbereitet (14.07.2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz: Wandel in der Wirtschaftsprüfung (13.7.2023)
Podcasts (in German only)
- Wirtschaftskriminellen auf der Spur: Besondere Einblicke in die Forensik
- Was die Whistleblower-Rechte nach dem LkSG für Unternehmen bedeuten
- Die Governance der Zukunft: datengetrieben, interdisziplinär, anspruchsvoll
- Lieferkettengesetz: Qualitätssiegel für den Standort Deutschland?
- Bei Geschäftsbeziehungen auf Nummer sicher gehen
- Wie können sich Unternehmen vor interner Wirtschaftskriminalität schützen?
- Wie man auf Cyberattacken schnell und effizient reagiert
- Im Einsatz gegen Wirtschaftskriminalität
- Geldwäsche: Opfer oder Mittäter:in?
- Warum Hacker:innen immer aggressiver vorgehen und wie Unternehmen sich schützen
- Durchblick beim Börsengang
Some or all of the services described herein may not be acceptable to KPMG audit clients and their affiliates.