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More and more new competitors as well as increasing innovation and cost pressure: the established providers on the energy market must make their business processes more efficient if they want to survive in the face of the changing market situation. One possible way out: digitalisation and its potential to evaluate large amounts of data in a targeted and efficient manner - and in this way to be able to react flexibly to market changes.

Our multidisciplinary teams of experts support you in all strategic, technical and organisational questions. Based on many years of experience and a high level of professional and technological expertise in the field of digitalisation and big data, we develop effective, efficient analyses to create added value from data. The basis for this is a sound understanding of the different types and sources of data in the company. 

KPMG's digitisation and big data solution EPA was designed specifically to meet the challenges of the industry. At the same time, we are continuously developing EPA further, keeping an eye on the energy supply company market environment with, for example, regulatory changes, future developments such as machine learning or robotics, and innovative disciplines such as data science.

Our range of services at a glance:

  • Strategic advice
  • Organisational support
  • Technological consulting including sizing
  • Technical implementation
  • Technical implementation
  • Staff training - both on technical and professional topics
  • Data Analytics as a Service
  • Platform operation
  • Outsourcing - if desired, also the complete takeover of technical or professional services
  • Integration of our EPA toolset into existing or newly established data science structures - from organisation to implementation

Contact us - we are at your service.
