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The management of business tax can be very time-consuming. Inconsistent handling in the municipalities, numerous official responsibilities, the linking of chamber contributions (IHK and HWK) and a flood of notices: These factors alone make the management of business tax complex. If regular registrations, re-registrations and deregistrations of individual business premises, different apportionment scales and several companies to be looked after are added to the mix, tax managers are confronted with a time-consuming task that ties up a lot of their capacities. In addition, the pre-calculation of trade tax with different assessment rates is tricky.

Software that supports you

With the KPMG Trade Tax Monitor, you can organise the entire trade tax process - from the registration of the permanent establishment and the apportionment to the review and payment of the notices - efficiently and in compliance with the law. The software-as-a-service solution is an ideal and user-friendly support especially for companies in industry and trade as well as partnerships and corporations with permanent establishments in several municipalities. With the cloud-based application, you can easily enter the data required for calculating business tax. Tax returns are created automatically and the assessment is checked digitally. In short: With our powerful software solution, you can optimise your processes in a targeted manner and easily reduce costs and risks. There is no need for complex software implementations: our experts provide the trade tax monitor for you as software as a service. 

KPMG Trade Tax Monitor at a glance



Dashboard: Clear dashboard with relevant data on permanent establishments, business tax assessments and key performance indicators, for example (advance) payments made, refunds and adjustments.


Smart entry and filing of notices: Enter or upload master data such as company (e.g. name, legal form, commercial register number, address), business premises (e.g. assigned company, municipality, number of employees), wage totals (e.g. period, assigned business premises and wages). Simple and efficient review and administration of notices and tax payments through legally compliant digital availability of corresponding data and documents. Long-term availability and extensive filter options via master data management and notice creation simplify future comparisons and checks.


Business tax calculator: Quick and easy calculation of the applicable business tax from the relevant business income and determination of the proportional tax assessment amount. Automatic calculation of the currently applicable assessment rate of the respective municipality. Full transparency on the assessment rates of all German municipalities, IHK and HWK contributions. 


Business tax decomposition at the push of a button: Results of the single- or multi-stage business tax decomposition and business tax payable per municipality at the push of a button. Quick overview and simple reconciliation of the apportionment and trade tax notices received from the various municipalities and responsible tax offices. Permanently simple checking and control of trade tax.

Your benefits

  • Holistic solution for effective business tax management
  • Digital mapping of the entire trade tax process end to end
  • All relevant trade tax aspects at a glance
  • The cloud-based application enables location-independent access to all data
  • Low implementation and maintenance costs thanks to Software as a Service
  • Efficient permanent establishment management
  • Maintenance of the software

Demo video (German only)

Die Software as a Service-Lösung unterstützt Sie beim Management Ihrer Gewerbesteuer. Lernen Sie das Tool in dem Demovideo kennen.
