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Digitalisation as a value driver

Digitalisation is the decisive driver in the further development of processes and technologies. In almost all industries, it is the catalyst for innovation. Insurance companies also encounter the topic of digitalisation along their entire value chain. A comprehensive digital strategy, e.g. for the use of new technologies, offers insurers the opportunity to secure decisive competitive advantages.

In addition to a digital strategy for internal processes, business entities also need suitable strategies to assert themselves in the new digital world and to meet the changed demands of customers. A barrier-free and consistent customer journey at the customer interface is the key to a sustainable positive customer experience.

KPMG Transformation Insurance as a digitalisation lighthouse

We support your business entity in the development of an overarching digitalisation strategy. Our project experience in the introduction of new backend systems as well as our extensive knowledge in the areas of process automation and robotics solutions give our customers a technical edge. We are thought leaders in blockchain technology, for example, by developing new business models and use cases based on the concept of smart contracts.

This open horizon also benefits our customers when it comes to possible cooperations with, or even acquisitions of, fintech and insurtech business entities. With matchi.biz, KPMG not only has expert knowledge but also a matching platform for business entities that want to leverage their services through fintech and/or insurtech technologies.

Please get in touch with us.

Further Information
