What are UER projects

The Regulation on counting upstream emission reductions towards the greenhouse gas quota (UERV) implements Directive (EU) 2015/652, which contains implementing provisions for the Fuel Quality Directive. The UERV refers to greenhouse gas reductions achieved in projects before raw materials for petrol, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas fuels reach a refinery or storage facility. Typical projects for upstream emission reductions are:

  • Flaring of associated gases in the production of crude oil
  • Energy efficiency projects in the production of crude oil
  • Use of renewable energies in the production of crude oil
  • Modal shift for the transport of crude oil (e.g. lorry to pipe)
  • Efficiency improvements in international crude oil shipping

Audit procedures

In order to obtain an EER certificate, project organisers must first prepare project documentation describing the planned project activities. The template form in English can be found on the DEHST website. The planned project must then be reviewed by a validation body such as the KPMG Cert environmental verification organisation. 

The review is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the UERV as well as DIN EN ISO 14064, DIN EN ISO 17029 and ISO 14066. 

As a validation body, KPMG Cert Umweltgutachterorganisation checks whether the planned project activities of the project sponsor fulfil the requirements for approval and whether the information provided by the project sponsor is correct and complete.

Following approval by the Federal Environment Agency and the implementation and monitoring of the project, a final verification of the realised upstream emission reductions (UER) is carried out. As the verification body, the KPMG Cert environmental verification organisation checks whether the project sponsor has correctly determined the upstream emission reductions.

The verification report is submitted to the project sponsor and the Federal Environment Agency. If the verification is successful, the Federal Environment Agency finally issues UER certificates upon request, which can be transferred to the cancellation account of the biofuel quota office by the party obliged to fulfil the quota.

KPMG Cert as validation and verification centre

We have the necessary accreditations and many years of experience in the verification of emissions reports.

Gerd Krause

Managing Director
KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 221 2073-1363


Paula Auer-Saupe

Deputy Head of the Verification Body
KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 711 9060 41516



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