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Your business environment is subject to rapid change. You may therefore be forced to create value quickly and reliably. Value creation can help here.

Our approach enables rapid value creation. From strategy to implementation, we help you to quickly and reliably achieve measurable improvements in your revenue, operating margins, cost structures and working capital - and therefore quantifiable value.

Your path to measurable added value

Whether you are undergoing a transformation, executing a transaction or seeking a turnaround - no matter where you are in your development, KPMG can help you identify, realise and assess quantifiable opportunities to create value.

Drive your company-wide growth and increase your business performance.

The four typical characteristics of successful transformations:

1. they are data-driven. Leading organisations set ambitious, albeit realistic, goals based on internal and external data.

2. they are well timed. Successful transformations are based on the right timing. They take place in phases of positive business development and before there is an actual need for change.

3. they are equipped with suitable resources. Successful transformations require careful planning and the provision of resources. The realisation of change is not an easy undertaking.

4. you harmonise costs and turnover. Sustainable transformations strike a balance between cost reductions and revenue opportunities with the aim of enabling growth.

Recognise and exploit real potential for value creation.

Opportunities for value creation can be found almost everywhere. Evaluate opportunities using a series of levers to realise the value potential in your company:

1. growth. Use data to identify opportunities to increase sales.

2. margins. Use a bottom-up review to determine where value is being created - or lost.

3. costs. Identify new opportunities to simplify the cost structure.

4. realignment. Implement meaningful structural changes in operations and business.

Realise opportunities for value creation with confidence, even in difficult times.

Four steps to a quick and successful turnaround:

1. quantify opportunities: Take a data-driven approach to uncover and quantify value creation opportunities.

2. prioritise: Determine the best business opportunities, identify quick wins and develop an agenda.

3. plan implementation: secure the identified added value with the help of experienced specialists and teams

4. achieve measurability: Monitor

Building blocks of value creation

Value Creation bundles data, insights and capacities for implementation, enabling you to set priorities and create value quickly and reliably. To do this, we utilise numerous in-house data and information collections to identify the best opportunities. We then apply our extensive industry experience and implementation expertise to help you realise these opportunities.

Overall picture thanks to over 300 analysis modules

    With a portfolio of more than 300 value-based analysis modules, you can bring together the right data points to gain reliable insights into your organisation.

    Do you have the data that matters?

Turning crises into opportunities

    Restructuring brings challenges with it. At the same time, however, they open up the opportunity to create a leaner, more flexible and far more competitive company. With our approach, you can move from crisis to value realisation.

    Do you want to improve your business performance?

Comparing apples with apples

    Using our data sources, our experts can compare your company with similar competitors in your market and industry and provide you with reliable, relevant and helpful insights into your specific situation.

    Do you really know how your competitors are performing?

Prioritising the transformation

    In today's dynamic environment, business transformations are essential for long-term growth. But with so many interesting options, how do you choose the best one for you? Do you prioritise the best business opportunities?

Maximise the value of transactions

    Unlock previously untapped value potential to maximise your purchase offer, market valuation or investment value. We see the transaction process as a catalyst for wider value realisation - both in the run-up to the transaction and long afterwards.

    Are your transactions realising the expected value?

General industry benchmarks may not provide accurate information about your company, your markets or your point in the business cycle. You need real insights into your specific situation.

Value Creation makes it possible to bring together the right data points, industry experience and financial analysis capabilities to gain reliable insights about your organisation using more than 300 value-based analysis modules.

What is value creation?

It encompasses performance improvements that go beyond day-to-day business and can include growth, operating margin, costs, but also working capital and capital expenditure.

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