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In an increasingly fast-changing environment, business entities must be ready to change and implement their decisions quickly in order to stay competitive. In light of this, we have consistently identified the following factors as the true drivers of company-wide transformations for our customers:

  • Disruptive forces (e.g. digitalisation) that force adjustments to the business model and operational structures
  • Unrealised synergy potentials or long-term inefficiencies within and between business units
  • Divergences and varying stakeholder interests
  • Lack of clearly defined strategy-related financial and return targets

By business entity transformation, we mean fundamental adjustments to the existing service offering, competitive positioning and value-creation structures. Implementing such changes are rarely easy and smooth within a corporate organisation. That’s why we’re here to help you analyse and make decisions to determine what type of transformation you need. The business entity may have to invest more heavily in developing innovations or renew its existing services and underlying structures. Of course, only small, incremental changes may be necessary. In any case, our proven approach using the “9 Levers of Value” is the appropriate compass and paves the way for a long-term, sustainable solution.

As a strategy advisor at KPMG, we not only create implementation concepts and plans, but we are also the right partners when it comes to developing and implementing strategies. That’s why we support our customers in their transformation projects by answering the following questions:

  • How will the current strategy need to be updated or adapted so that the business entity stands up to the changing market environment?
  • How can the internal and external perception of the business entity be improved?
  • How can it be ensured that both the business model and operating model are taken into account when setting the overall financial and return targets?
  • How should the business portfolio be managed and the management best integrated?
  • What are the possible consequences of such far-reaching changes?
  • Is the business entity ready to implement a transformation, and what challenges might they face?

Our approach takes into account all aspects of a successful plan and the implementation of such a transformation. In the process, we also ensure that the organisation and its employees are clearly informed about the current state of affairs, the objective and the path to reaching it. Our approach is therefore the ideal framework for a long-term successful collaboration in the implementation of your transformation project.

Learn more about our services and contact us now.