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In business life, situations arise time and again in which companies need information about companies, people and events in order to identify risks and take appropriate precautions.

Interlocks with other companies that are not readily apparent, contacts with political decision-makers, ongoing legal disputes and critical press coverage can be crucial in assessing a potential business partner or client, especially at a time when regulatory requirements for and liability risks for decision-makers are continually increasing.

KPMG supports its clients by sourcing, analysing and presenting information from a variety of sources. Using a methodology based on that of government intelligence agencies, we collect data and present it according to the client's requirements. Depending on the assignment, we use a variety of specialised technical solutions including automated search software and visualisation software developed for law enforcement agencies to present complex interrelationships.

Using the same methodology, we provide support in company takeovers and mergers (M&A support) and conduct background research on individuals when filling prominent and sensitive positions in the company.


We are there for you around the clock: 

KPMG Forensic Emergency Hotline: 0800 SOS KPMG (0800 767 5764).

E-mail: de-sos@kpmg.com 
