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Our services in the Audit division are aimed at auditing the reliability of our clients’ external information and reporting systems.

The focus is on the regular audit of the annual financial statements and the management report in accordance with the Commercial Code (HBG) and international accounting standards. KPMG’s process- and risk-oriented audit approach not only promotes a reliable assessment of the business entity’s situation. It also provides guidance on how to improve business processes.

Our range of services also includes the assessment of risk monitoring systems as well as opinions and assessments on the profitability of investments and on calculations and budgeted accounts. Adequacy checks round out our services.

Audit of opening balance sheets, double-entry annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements of the public administrations

Municipalities and individual federal states are currently introducing a budget and accounting system based on double-entry bookkeeping. A prerequisite for the effective management of public organisations is the reliability of data in the opening balance sheet and the annual financial statements.

With KPMG, you have a competent and reliable contractor at your side for the audit of your financial statements. If weaknesses in accounting are detected at an early stage, undesirable developments can be avoided. Planning becomes more reliable.

Our process- and risk-oriented audit approach adapts individually to the respective administration. In this way, we can support you by improving the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of your audit.

Annual audit of public business entities

The liberalisation of markets brings opportunities and risks: Business strategies must stand out among the competition. The legal framework conditions are constantly changing: Unbundling, the Transparency Directive, new public procurement law and the promotion of combined heat and power generation and renewable energies are just a few key points to mention in this context. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by liberalisation. We support you in this with our process- and risk-oriented auditing.

Audit of the annual financial statements of municipal undertakings and institutions under public law (AöR)

The audit of municipal undertakings and institutions under public law is one of our core competences in the public sector. These forms of enterprise have long enabled cities and municipalities to use commercial accounting in important economic sectors. This plays an increasingly important role in real estate management, for example.

Audit of adequacy pursuant to § 53 of the German Budgeting Principles Act (HGrG)

We are very familiar with the requirements for auditing the adequacy of management and economic conditions according to § 53 HGrG. Our audit is based on in-depth knowledge of your business entity and its economic environment and is implemented by experienced KPMG professionals.

Auditor services as part of state financial controlling

KPMG provides auditing services for economic and structural development at all levels, from the EU Commission to the final beneficiary. These include spot checks, system checks and risk-oriented project controls. These are used in the control of administrative systems, the allocation and accounting of funds and in accuracy checks of the reports on the use of funds by scientific institutions.

Issuance of certificates

KPMG issues certificates after competent review in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws such as the Public Transportation Act (PersBefG); the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) / the Combined Heat and Power Act (KWK-G); and the Social Security Code (SGB).

Calculations of fees and charges

The user charges of public facilities in the areas of water supply and sewage disposal as well as waste disposal and street cleaning are increasingly in the focus of the public with the demands for transparency and cost-effectiveness. KPMG audits the calculations of fees and charges, both for the official bodies responsible and for the supply and disposal companies organised under private law.
