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A Compliance Management System (CMS) that is known and accepted within the company, that effectively supports the company's business processes as a business enabler. A CMS that covers all relevant legal areas from anti-corruption to data protection, foreign trade, tax and product compliance. A CMS that meets the expectations of the market, suppliers, young people and customers. A CMS that meets the legal requirements and significantly reduces liability risks if the worst comes to the worst. A system that is demonstrably appropriate and effective and can withstand an audit by authorities or auditors at any time.

Our Compliance Advisory Team deals with all these issues.

But is it possible to find out whether compliance is actually being lived or whether it is just lip service? What are the necessary measures, processes and instruments? How must management concepts and training be designed so that compliance also reaches the employee level and the right incentives are set for behaviour with integrity? Can progress in improving the compliance culture be measured? How can ethical aspects be integrated into a CMS alongside legal requirements? And: Where does your company actually stand in comparison to other companies? We provide reliable answers to these and many other questions.

Our range of services extends from current individual topics such as conducting targeted compliance risk assessments or implementing a whistleblower system to the design, implementation and holistic optimisation of a CMS along its individual elements. By informing our clients about regulatory requirements and legal innovations, such as the Association Sanctions Act or the new guidelines of the US Department of Justice (DOJ), we keep them up to date and integrate new legal requirements into their existing systems. With tailor-made, custom-fit solutions, we prepare you in the best possible way for the future and create the freedom you need so that you can concentrate on the essentials - your core business.

Our range of services at a glance:

  • Design and implementation of CMS
  • Assessment of the compliance culture in selected target groups (e.g. purchasing, production, sales) with the help of quantitative models 
  • Identification of significant compliance risks as well as systematic risk recognition and assessment ("compliance risk assessment")
  • Further development of the compliance organisation against the backdrop of digitalisation and disruption to establish lean reporting lines
  • Establishment of reporting channels for identified risks, detected violations and incoming information ("whistleblower systems")
  • Training, education and workshops to raise awareness and strengthen risk consciousness - both online and in face-to-face events or for selected focus topics such as behaviour with integrity
  • Policy management - revision and creation of effective frameworks
  • Conducting compliance due diligence reviews in the context of corporate transactions
  • Business Partner Compliance - to safeguard your relationships with business partners

KPMG is the market leader in the field of IDW PS 980 audits and is familiar with best practice approaches of numerous companies and industries. This know-how and many years of audit expertise, including ISO standards, form the basis of our advisory services - and through active memberships in working groups (for example IDW, DICO) we ensure that our professional expertise is continuously expanded. With our interdisciplinary team, we meet your specific questions and requirements with the highest quality and practical orientation, so that you can achieve your greatest possible potential - feel free to contact us!
