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Our industry specialists provide players from the technology, media and telecommunications sectors with comprehensive support for all business management questions and challenges. Our solutions are holistic, practical and take into account a wide range of business models and company sizes. Through our connection to KPMG's international network, we can also provide you with competent advice on cross-border and global issues. We offer you support in the following areas, among others:

  • Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements
  • Licensing, financing, investment and tax issues, both nationally and internationally
  • Portfolio management, company valuation and transactions (purchase and sale)
  • Process optimisation, efficiency improvement and cost control
  • Controlling and corporate management
  • Financial Restructuring, Finance Processes & Organisation
  • Finance and treasury management
  • Business transformation and business model changes
  • Programme, project and change management
  • Procurement
  • Customer
  • ESG Assurance, ESG Reporting and Governance Advisory
  • Digital Compliance
  • Data & Analytics, BI and Data Management
  • Data Security and Cyber Security
  • Software Asset Management
  • License Audits
  • Technical Assurance and Certification

TMT industry expertise

KPMG has extensive audit and advisory expertise in the technology, media and telecommunications industries. In Germany, we serve numerous clients from all relevant sub-segments: Hardware, Software, IT Services, Network Operators, TC Infrastructure, Publishing, Television, Radio, Film and Advertising. Our clients include large, diversified corporations as well as medium-sized, family-owned companies and specialised providers. We are also in regular dialogue with academia, politics and industry associations. We regularly conduct analyses of individual market segments, prepare studies on current topics and are present with expert presentations at important industry events.
