Digital finance for the CFO

The interplay of controlling knowledge, data & analytics and business intelligence expertise is vital to the digital corporate management of the future. For us, digital finance is the strategic use of digitalisation in the finance functions of the company. Many market players have today recognised the importance of the transition to a digital company. However, specific measures and strategies for realigning finance functions are often still absent.

Previously, it was business divisions that stood at the interface to the customer as the focal point of digitalisation. Less attention was paid to finance initially. But business intelligence now offers every company solutions to optimally use internal and external information. Great potential has emerged in recent years especially in management information systems, enterprise performance management, cross-functional analysis and advanced analytics & big data, and this potential has quickly established itself on the market. The advance of digitalisation therefore requires rapid realignment of the finance function if the potential opportunities are to be exploited. The problem is that there is rarely an implementation plan to hand.

Business Intelligence Consulting

We provide reliable consultants for your CFO or Head of Controlling. We advise you holistically from the design to the implementation of suitable business intelligence and data management application systems. First we work with the CFO and the finance function to devise their BI strategy and BI architecture development, all based on the company objectives, in order to establish a BI service for content, process, technology and organisation. We plan and realise data warehouse solutions for you that include operational data management (ETL tools). Our objective is to improve performance management (planning, budgeting, forecasting, management reporting) as well as cost accounting and profitability analysis – from design to technical implementation.

Successfully manage the finance function

We support our clients through improvements in planning, budgeting, forecasting and the internal reporting of key information for management (including corresponding ERP-based controlling structures). Our services include integrated legal and management reporting, design and setup of reporting factories and optimisation of planning processes and planning quality, and they also incorporate the acceleration of consolidation processes for actual and budget figures. For your operational processes such as sales, purchasing, production, etc., as well as data governance and master data management, we also develop appropriate BI strategies, BI and data warehousing architecture and reporting applications. 

Data is the fuel for change

Automated systems are only as good as the data that they analyse. For that reason, our idea of digital finance is also data quality management and data governance with the necessary KPI harmonisation, the effects on master data management and data cleansing. The biggest operational advantages can often be gained with operational BI solutions for sales, purchasing, tax, production and marketing processes, including solutions such as transfer price monitoring, end-to-end profitability calculations, working capital optimisation and cash flow analysis. 

Design and launch of self-service BI applications

Solutions for automated, rule-based monitoring of operational and critical processes that affect margins, such as cash audits; development and roll-out of software-based services such as the Cash Flow Manager.

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