Companies that have been using SAP ECC up to now cannot avoid quickly dealing with the changeover to SAP S/4HANA. Typical questions such as the right SAP architecture, migration and "cloud" or "on-premise" give the impression that the focus is on technology, but this is only part of the truth. Because the changeover to S/4HANA is not a pure IT project, but directly or indirectly affects all areas and processes in the company: from the tax function to sales, procurement and finance to HR and corporate governance.
The change of the ERP system to SAP S/4HANA is therefore one of the most difficult tasks that companies will have to face in the next few years. The transformation offers you the great opportunity to set up your company in a digitalised, future-proof and sustainable way.
A transformation with great risks:
If mistakes are made during the introduction of the solution, they have profound and serious consequences. In addition, the project is an operation on the beating heart of the company. This means that even during the entire transformation of the system, the daily business must of course continue to run smoothly.
Therefore, the conversion to SAP S/4HANA is not done somehow, but properly:
With a focus on ambitious but realistic objectives. With a clear view in every phase of the process. With foresight for a breathing system that continues to develop from day one and can react to future changes – new and changed customer needs, new business models and previously unforeseeable changes in the business.
Three decisive factors for success
Done correctly, the conversion of the SAP system and the introduction of the new SAP S/4HANA solution is the basis for a successful, future-oriented positioning of a company. We accompany you in three essential steps through the secure, efficient transformation:
More than technology: We work with you to develop the right ambition for your company – end-to-end or as a targeted solution. >> Learn more
Project excellence
With KPMG Powered Enterprise, we give you proven tools and best practices to navigate safely and efficiently through the entire process without starting from scratch. >> Learn more
Success lies in the detail. With the necessary expertise, we accompany you through all aspects of the process: from data quality to licence management to controlling expertise, from legal and compliance issues to change management. >> Learn more
S/4HANA with foresight
Ask questions
Transformation affects all areas of the company. For a successful start, it is essential that every department deals with it. >> Learn more
Define goals
Develop the right ambition for your company: What goals should be associated with the transition to SAP S/4HANA? >> Learn more
Manage projects
Apply the right methodology: KPMG Powered Enterprise provides you with proven tools and best practices for a secure, efficient transformation. >> Learn more
Mastering transformation
Paying attention to all areas with the necessary expertise: Supply Chain, Sales, Controlling, Compliance/IKS, Treasury, Accounting and Governance. >> Learn more
Project examples
Individual ambitions-different project paths: SAP S/4HANA projects differ depending on the chosen objective. >> Learn more
More content on SAP S/4HANA conversion in the manufacturing industry for you
Blog articles (in German only)
Webcasts (in German only)
Further Webcasts
- Digitalisierung der Finance-Abteilung: SAP S/4HANA-Transformation-aber wie?
- SAP S/4HANA Group Reporting - den richtigen Zeitpunkt finden
- BI/4HANA - Vor- und Nachteile moderner BI-Architekturen und Betriebsmodelle
- BI/4HANA - Moderne BI ist mehr als nur Technik
- Einführung SAP S/4HANA - Umsatzsteuerprozesse richtig planen
- Wechsel zu SAP S/4HANA: So wandeln Sie Ihre Altlizenzen effizient und mit Garantie um
- Berechtigungskonzepte datenbasiert erstellen und betreiben
- SAP S/4HANA mit Weitblick-Die Transformation richtig angehen
Further Information
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Marco Lehmann
Consulting, Head of SAP & Finance Transformation
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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