How must your business entity be set up to be able to use cloud services? The KPMG Cloud Compliance & Transformation Team provides answers.

Is your business entity ready to transfer storage and programmes to the cloud? We’ll help you to determine where you stand and support you on your way to the cloud.

Business entities are increasingly relying on cloud services: As the results of KPMG’s Cloud Monitor show, every second business entity already accesses publicly available cloud services in one way or another – and that trend is rising.

The benefits are obvious: Improved scalability and performance, location independence, flexibility, high availability and innovation. However, the path to the cloud raises many questions for cloud beginners and cannot be realised at the push of a button.

The decision to what extent and with which technical solution data is transferred to the digital cloud must be made with caution. The most important challenges for business entities include data protection and compliance requirements as well as information security. Furthermore, there is still a lack of sufficient standards with which cloud offerings can be compared well. Sometimes additional technical expenditure is also necessary for entry to the cloud.

On the one hand, a clear view of the current situation helps to determine cloud readiness. On the other hand, it provides fundamental insights into the status quo of one’s own IT infrastructure.

We support you with our transformation expertise in your cloud project, taking into account your priorities, the regulatory framework and the specifics of your industry.
