Are you looking for a competent partner for certification, auditing and validation?

The team of KPMG Cert GmbH* will be happy to support you in these projects as well as in expert opinions on various regulatory and technical issues.

KPMG Cert GmbH offers the following services, among others:

  • Certification of management systems
  • Verification of greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energies
  • Validation according to EMAS

Who we are

KPMG Cert GmbH, based in Cologne, is the accredited certification and auditing company of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. We conduct ourselves independently: KPMG Cert does not provide consultancy services in connection with the establishment, introduction, internal audit or operation of management systems.

Always close to you

Rapid availability and open, clear communication are a matter of course for us. Our distinct regional and national presence enables us to always be close to you and to accompany you reliably. Contact us and benefit from our profound expertise. We look forward to your enquiry.

Our expertise

Our most valuable asset is our team, consisting of senior auditors, experts and highly qualified professionals with profound knowledge in the areas of quality, environment, safety, technology and sustainability. Not only are we active in a wide range of industries, but our many years of experience mean that we know our way around companies of all types and sizes. Particular importance is attached to energy-intensive industries as well as the chemical and energy sectors. In addition to the classic quality and environmental issues, our focus is increasingly on risk, health and sustainability aspects. You can rely on the fact that we understand our business very well.

Wilhelm Dolle

Managing Director KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 30 2068-2323

Dr. Jan-Hendrik Gnändiger

Managing Director KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 221 2073-1137

Gerd Krause

Managing Director KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 221 2073-1363

Contact us

Do you have a question for KPMG Cert GmbH? Contact us directly via the contact form. You can send enquiries, suggestions, objections or complaints directly to KPMG Cert GmbH by telephone, in writing or by e-mail. We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Policy on impartiality

We meet the strict criteria regarding impartiality, independence and objectivity and the requirements set in connection with accreditation in every respect. This includes in particular the following:

  • KPMG Cert does not provide consulting services in connection with the establishment, implementation, internal audit or operation of management systems.
  • KPMG Cert does not certify management systems or audit greenhouse gas emissions for which the requesting client has received management system consulting or internal auditing services from KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.
  • The services of KPMG Cert are not linked to the auditing or consulting business of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.
  • The financing of KPMG Cert is adequately ensured in fulfilment of the requirements for financial independence.
  • The advisory board of KPMG Cert ensures the access of interested groups to an appropriate extent without individual interests dominating.
  • The management of the certification body is not bound by the instructions of the management.
  • KPMG Cert has an appropriate number of permanent staff (management, auditors, examiners, technical experts, QM representative, independent verifiers, secretariat) and non-permanent auditors, examiners and technical experts.
  • Non-permanent auditors, assessors and technical experts are obliged to refrain from any advice that would be related to the certified company.
  • The decision on certification is not outsourced to third parties, but is made by KPMG Cert. No consulting organisations are commissioned to carry out certification activities.
  • KPMG Cert does not certify any management system of another certification body.
  • Potential conflicts of interest arising from relationships with related bodies are regularly analysed, documented and resolved.

Our trademark statutes regulate the use of the name and trademark of the certification body. We will be happy to send you these on request. Simply send us an e-mail.


©  2024    KPMG Cert GmbH Umweltgutachterorganisation, a group company of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, a public limited company under German law and a member of the global KPMG organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a Private English Company Limited by Guarantee. All rights reserved.

Data protection declaration KPMG Cert GmbH
Company information KPMG Cert GmbH
