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The big issues in the financial sector are not leaving the cooperative network unscathed: The ongoing low-interest phase, increased, more complex regulatory requirements, changes in consumer behaviour and, last but not least, the new mobile sales channels. All of these are key challenges for the Cooperative Finance Group.

Strategic decisions, efficiency and transparency are necessary to create the right balance between risk, yield, cost and sustainability. For many years, KPMG has been supporting cooperative banks and their affiliated business entities, as well as their associations and affiliated companies, with solutions that are usually standardised and tried and tested – or developed and implemented on a customised basis for your bank in individual cases.

We are happy to support you with proven, cooperative-specific solutions around:

  • New regulatory requirements such as AnaCredit, FinRep HGB, incl. Fast Close, and revised standard approaches for equity capital backing
  • Preparation for § 44 KWG audits, the ECB's new supervisory review process (SREP 2.0) and the performance of supervisory simulations
  • Digitalisation and readiness checks
  • Internal control systems and internal audit
  • Merger consulting, assessments and integration services
  • Data analytics
  • Yield and cost optimisation, including optimisation of the branch structure
  • Sales optimisation, 360° checks and training
  • Compliance & money laundering prevention
  • Tax and legal advice (provided by KPMG Law)

Get in touch! We would be pleased to present our solutions developed for the cooperative financial group. Our advisors have a broad conceptual understanding of overall banking contexts and details. We can help you meet the challenges of a highly competitive market.
