Our KPMG specialists in audit, accounting, tax, legal advice (through KPMG Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft), valuation, financing, transaction advice, process and cost optimisation and restructuring advise you on the sale of real estate.

Our services in this area include:

Property valuation

Knowledge of the value of real estate plays an important role in transactions, annual audits, company valuations, financing and real estate management. The requirements of the market participants reflect the specifics of the respective industry. KPMG supports you with industry-related services.

Valuation of real estate, machinery and equipment

Expertise in the market valuation of land and buildings as well as machinery and equipment is an important criterion for tax purposes and in preparation for making rational business decisions. KPMG supports you with specific market knowledge and vast valuation expertise.

Financial reporting for IPOs and real estate companies

The requirements under capital market law are just as demanding as the reporting obligations of a listed real estate company. With expertise and experience, we support our clients in managing the IPO.

German real estate investment trust (G-REIT)

As an investor, are you looking for a tax-optimised, non-regulated form of investment for German real estate assets that does not require too much capital investment? Then the G-REIT could be a suitable investment instrument.

Closed-end real estate funds

When insurance companies and pension funds invest in closed-end real estate funds, there are various special features to consider. KPMG advises on the implementation of the appropriate investment structure and answers questions in connection with the fund project.

Real estate transfer tax

Company acquisitions and reorganisations trigger real estate transfer tax several times when the shareholdings change. By carefully planning the acquisition steps, together with KPMG, you can reduce or avoid this tax.

Real estate taxation/real estate funds

As an investor or fund provider, are you looking for the optimal form of investment in real estate? Or a partner for the tax management of your real estate portfolio? KPMG will work out possible solutions to your questions.

Property valuation

Knowledge of the value of real estate plays an important role in transactions, annual audits, company valuations and financing. KPMG supports you with real estate-specific qualifications and enables high-quality and efficient project implementation.

Property due diligence

With increasing competitive pressure and tight transaction time frames, investments in and sales of real estate require special care. KPMG provides an analysis that covers financial and real estate factors and provides a comprehensive picture of the subject of the transaction.

Transaction consulting (M&A)

In M&A transactions, business entities, ownership interests and real estate packages are sold, acquired or merged. Do you need help with IPOs or advice on structuring equity? KPMG will advise you on the compilation of the due diligence phase documents.
