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At the heart of our public-sector IT consulting services is our conviction that application systems, IT infrastructure solutions and the corresponding management and operational processes do not exist for their own sake.

These must actively contribute value to the service portfolio and to upcoming reform projects within the administrative organisation.

Against this backdrop, KPMG’s methods for examining processes, IT infrastructures and IT systems link the issues of IT risks and regulatory requirements with requirements relating to the performance and value orientation of all IT.

To this end, KPMG offers you 30 partners in Germany specialising in IT consulting with approximately 400 employees who combine knowledge of regulatory requirements with technical understanding of the realisation of improvement potential in the IT environment.

IT strategy and e-government

Information technology and new media are now part of all administrative processes. Consequently, their efficiency and effectiveness is increasingly dependent on adequate information technology support. For this reason, a strategic and thus precisely fitting alignment of IT is important. KPMG supports public administration by providing consulting services in the areas of IT strategy, e-government, IT innovation management, IT portfolio optimisation and the adaptation of IT departments to new administrative requirements.

Information security and privacy

Due to the increasing use of e-government offerings via the Internet, the information security and privacy requirements for public administration IT are growing significantly. We offer solutions for technical and organisational information security measures, taking into account federal and state privacy laws for the protection of personal and confidential data. KPMG adheres to common standards, such as ISO 27001 and BSI IT basic protection, which employees of KPMG have participated in creating.

Business Continuity Management

Critical infrastructures (CRITIS) are institutions and facilities whose failure or impairment would result in lasting supply bottlenecks, significant disruptions to public safety or other dramatic consequences. KPMG primarily supports public sector organisations in identifying risks and deriving measures such as crisis management and IT contingency planning.

Forensic Technology

Forensic investigations in the context of internal and external compliance audits, the assertion of claims arising from contractual relationships or for the fulfilment of regulatory requirements increasingly focus on electronically stored and processed data or the possibilities for accessing it. Our team has the strategies, tools and experience to support you.

Responding appropriately to security incidents is as important for business entities and public sector organisations as the preparation required to do so. We evaluate your existing procedures and help you prepare optimally for IT security incidents. When an IT security incident occurs, we provide support with both immediate measures and damage assessment and containment.


IT budgets are stagnating. The public sector also has to structurally reduce IT costs in order to be able to invest in new e-government and e-health requirements at the same time. Savings can often only be achieved internally via higher scale in IT-shared service centres, externally through managed service or "in the Cloud". KPMG supports you in the internal optimisation of the IT organisation and IT processes as well as externally in finding the best IT solution for your organisations, independent of the provider. In doing so, we naturally take into account not only economic factors but also the specific legal and regulatory influencing factors.

ERP Consulting

Legal requirements for the new budget and accounting system, increasing regulatory requirements and the desire for efficient financial processes place high demands on IT processes. Among other things, we support you in optimising, designing and redesigning risk-minimising controls.

IT assurance

The importance of IT systems in creating, processing and storing an organisation’s information and in ensuring data security, completeness and accuracy will continue to grow in the future. KPMG supports you in identifying the relevant risk areas at an early stage, taking the right measures and complying with the required standards.

Enterprise content management (ECM)

The principle of writing applies to administrative dealing in the Federal Republic of Germany. KPMG has profound knowledge of the organisation and process of official records management at the federal, state and municipal level as well as of organisations under private and public law and is very familiar with the relevant specifications and rules for the creation, provision, filing and separation of records at the respective administrative levels (Joint Rules and Procedures of the Federal Ministry (GGO), governing council (RegR), state-specific rules of procedure, etc.). Combined with practical experience in implementing ECM systems (document and workflow management, archiving and collaboration, Web 2.0 and knowledge management), while taking into account the legal regulations, KPMG offers an all-round service from strategic planning and conception to the monitoring and quality assurance of the implementation and the transition to operation.
