Initial situation

The Internal Audit Department and the management of the Compliance Department are facing new challenges. They need real-time transparency and an up-to-date overview of sometimes very complex control environments. In addition, digitalisation continues to advance, changing the daily activities in almost every department of a business entity. The Compliance Department and Internal Audit Department are not immune to this change either. The employee-driven drive for meaningful tasks and an increasing scarcity of resources intensify these challenges.


To continue to deliver the desired performance and remain compliant in this dynamic environment, KPMG offers an innovative toolset. Based on KPMG’s own Sofy platform, familiar compliance services are mapped and supplemented by new, data-driven solutions. Three elementary advantages over manual compliance control can thus be achieved:

  1. Resource allocation: Through the data-based services and the recommendations for action derived from them, the limited resources can be used in a targeted manner.
  2. Single source of truth: The control environment can be optimised by breaking down information silos.
  3. Transparency: The company-wide introduction of the platform increases the transparency of the control environment in real time.


The current Compliance as a Service portfolio comprises six solutions, but these are being continuously expanded.

  1. Data analytics/process mining: With an indicator-based process mining analysis of the entire business environment, processes can be put into graphic form, and a KPI-based performance measurement can also be implemented.
  2. ICS app: The establishment of a standardised control framework and automated control execution provide the opportunity to focus on the actual business risks.
  3. ATLAS analytics: Assessments for different areas can support the structured processing of complex questions and the rapid processing of the resulting data.
  4. Tool support: A streamlined, versatile solution for data exchange between multiple parties that can be easily adapted to processes.
  5. Data protection manager: A platform-supported setup of the data protection processes can prevent media interruptions and achieve complete transparency for data subjects.
  6. Permissions monitoring: Automatic monitoring of the users who hold critical permissions allows for the separation of functions while maintaining efficiency.

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