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In response to your financing requirements, we evaluate possible financing and structuring alternatives. We identify the measures required for placement in the run-up to the transaction and accompany their successful implementation on the capital market.

We have many years of transaction experience and detailed professional expertise across the entire financing spectrum. We are happy to provide you with comprehensive and independent advice on the following topics:

  • Initial public offering (IPO) and pre-IPO financing
  • Spin-off or subsidiary IPO
  • Capital increase with and without subscription rights
  • Placement of share packages
  • Share buyback
  • Issue of convertible and exchangeable bonds
  • Switching between stock exchange segments

Our advisory approach includes:

  • Support in the analysis of possible financing requirements
  • Development and comparison of suitable financing alternatives
  • Advice and support in the selection and preparation of the optimal measure(s)
  • Preparation of appropriate time and action plans for preparation and implementation
  • Selection, compilation and mandating of the banks and other service providers accompanying the transaction
  • Relief for management through temporary provision of external resources ("Extended Workbench")
  • Ongoing advice on, among other things, structuring and implementation issues as well as preparation of important process decisions
  • Coordination of all parties involved and ensuring smooth implementation incl. KPMG Transactions Office (dashboard solution)
  • Ongoing support and advice for the issuer beyond the transaction itself

In our central role as objective and independent advisors, we see ourselves as exclusively committed to representing the interests of the company and its owners in the context of financing measures:

  • Value maximisation
  • Optimisation of terms and conditions
  • Transaction security

