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Interdisciplinary teams beyond tax issues

Our experts advise you on topics in the areas of VAT and Customs & Trade. In order to be able to provide you with comprehensive support beyond purely tax-related issues, our specialists regularly work together with experienced colleagues from the Audit and Advisory divisions - both nationally in Germany and internationally.

Questions on turnover tax and customs law increasingly important

Due to the internationalisation of entrepreneurial activities and the steady increase in cross-border trade in goods and services, advice on complex VAT and customs issues is becoming increasingly important. The increasingly comprehensive legal regulations also require a heightened awareness of the associated tax requirements.

In particular, the amendments to Directive 2006/112/EC (formerly the 6th EU Directive), their sometimes very different implementation in the individual EU countries, as well as the large number of pending cases before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) require comprehensive specialised knowledge. This is the only way we can react quickly to any changes and implement them promptly in your company.

If you have any questions on these topics, our experts will advise you on how to mitigate your VAT and customs risks, how to optimally structure national and international flows of goods and services and how to identify potential savings in excise duties. This is the only way we can react quickly to any changes for you and implement them promptly in your company.

Expertise for clients of all sizes and sectors

Our experience extends to a wide range of different companies. We are at your disposal with comprehensive expertise - regardless of whether you are a large or medium-sized company, participate in global trade in goods and services or focus on imports or exports of goods. Whether you are part of the value chain in chain transactions or are active in financial services, whether you are planning restructurings or conduct business electronically.
