KPMG's Value Chain Analysis (VCA) can kill two birds at once: the unique method makes it possible to optimise taxes and also solve business problems at the same time.
This was triggered by new tax transparency requirements such as BEPS, USR 3 and regulatory issues. These stipulate that taxes are paid where the value creation takes place.
KPMG analyses companies in the context of their industry. This qualitative approach enables quantifiable results that present a company's optimisation opportunities in a comprehensible way. Management receives a basis for decision-making that is not only suitable for tax optimisation, but also for solving business problems.
Expertise of KPMG
- Interdisciplinary combination of tax and management consulting
- Qualitative value creation analysis with quantifiable results
- Increased transparency with regard to costs, processes and quality
- Method that addresses tax and business problems together
- Results can be used for legal disputes
Michael Freudenberg
Partner, Tax - Head of Global Transfer Pricing Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft