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An internationally complex environment always creates new challenges: In the transaction business as well as in corporate transformation. And beyond.

In the area of complex and often cross-border projects, our International Transaction Tax team specialises in the special situations that arise in everyday corporate life. The number of these is increasing, because the dynamics of the markets are growing worldwide, as are the requirements of the regulators. In addition, megatrends such as digitalisation or decarbonisation are opening up ever new opportunities. The effects are clearly noticeable: many internationally active companies are initiating increasingly complex transformation projects, and the transaction business is also booming. Challenging projects that can decide the successful future of a company.

International Transaction Tax has the experts to support you competently in your transformation and transaction projects and to be at your side even in special situations.

Our advisory services in detail:

Transformation (Business Separation, Joint Venture, Business Integrations)

The day-to-day business of an internationally active company is complex enough - but often the adjustment or realignment of the corporate strategy or business model leads to additional, complex transformation projects. Regardless of whether the planned reorganisation involves the spin-off of parts of the company, the integration of acquired divisions, cooperation with third parties in the context of joint ventures or the realignment of group financing, projects of this kind also require specialised tax knowledge and increasingly affect medium-sized companies with foreign activities. And often access to a worldwide network that gathers all the necessary information and combines it into promising plans. Important consulting focal points include 

  • Accompanying and shaping transformation processes
  • Company splits or mergers
  • Realignment of the financing or IP structure

Transaction (due diligence, structuring, SPA, tax fact book)

We have specialised in advising financial investors on transactions for many years. On the basis of tax due diligence, our experts develop suitable solutions to take identified risks into account when drafting the purchase agreement and to prepare an optimal acquisition structure. They support you in the drafting of the purchase agreement and also assist you in a possible post-deal phase with a tax integration plan that leverages the expected synergies. Important areas of advice include 

  • Acquisitions and sales of companies at home and abroad
  • Post deal services

For further information on some of the corporate and private equity deals we have advised on so far, please click here.

Special Situations (Restructuring, IPO Readiness, SPAC, Funding)

In addition to transformation projects in the context of a changed corporate strategy or the classic transaction business, there are many other occasions that require special know-how. Examples are the preparation of an IPO, whether with the entire company or individual subdivisions. The management of a crisis situation also requires special tax know-how in restructuring issues. And the use of new instruments such as SPACs should also be intensively examined from a tax perspective. Important areas of advice include 

  • IPOs 
  • Restructuring projects

Whether transformation, transaction or special situation, our experts regularly work together in interdisciplinary teams. The composition of these teams is tailored to the individual needs of each project. In addition to tax expertise, our teams have a profound understanding of a wide range of industries. In the majority of our projects, we also work very closely with our colleagues from Deal Advisory.

Change will continue to be a constant factor in tax law in the future: We therefore follow legislation, case law and opinion developments in the relevant jurisdictions as well as developments within the EU and keep you up to date with the latest tax news and solutions from the international centres of excellence and national tax offices on request.

Change will continue to be a constant factor in tax law in the future: We therefore follow legislation, case law and opinion developments in the relevant jurisdictions as well as developments within the EU and keep you up to date with the latest tax news and solutions from the international centres of excellence and national tax offices on request.
