In today’s world, we need live data to combine with other data and use it in spreadsheets or databases, integrate it into other applications or use it for business intelligence.
However, if data is contained in a PDF file, it becomes difficult. PDF files are not machine-readable and usually have to be read manually.
This not only costs time and money, but it is also frustrating. In addition, the manual reading of data has a high potential for error. But that can’t be the future.
FinDEr was developed for this purpose. It allows you to automatically search for information in documents and exports them in a machine-readable and thus living format. FinDEr learns every time you use it and finds your data quickly and efficiently. How you want the data to be output is up to you (XML, CSV, JSON, etc.).
But most importantly: No more stress. With FinDEr by your side, you have more time to concentrate on the important things.
If you too would like to liberate your data, please contact us.
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Olaf J. Mielke
Partner, Financial Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Haikal Khair
Manager, Financial Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
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