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The IT organisation undergoing change

In recent years, the world of work has evolved at a rapid pace, especially in relation to IT. New technologies as well as working methods such as DevOps and agile developments have permanently changed everyday working life. Machine learning and process automation have created new opportunities to reduce manual tasks and speed up processes. At the same time, departments nowadays have many more opportunities to purchase IT services on the market on their own responsibility and to use them. In the process, the regulatory requirements for IT have become increasingly stringent and set stricter rules for the structure of the IT organisation and the associated processes.

Against the backdrop of these changes, IT management is faced with the ever-increasing challenge of fundamentally restructuring IT and involving and managing new business partners. This is the only way it can establish itself as a modern partner to the business sector, offering fast solutions and services that deliver added value. Key success factors for overcoming these challenges are modern processes and procedures as well as associated roles and skills that collectively define the IT organisation as the Next ITO. With the help of Next ITO, IT organisations can react flexibly to the changing framework conditions and still create reliability and security with the help of appropriate management.

Next ITO for the successful IT organisation

Essential for the further development of IT towards the Next ITO is the consideration of common IT standards and frameworks. These offer proven processes and approaches to design efficient and successful solutions. The IT standards ITIL and COBIT, which have been updated in recent years, are of particular relevance here and have been expanded to include elements that enable agile IT service management, for example. In addition, the use of agile frameworks such as Scrum@Scale or Large Scale Scrum make it possible to roll out agile methods to larger organisational units.

IT organisations should understand the proposals for the design of processes, procedures, roles and skills contained in the standards and frameworks, interpret them for themselves and derive a customised target vision for the Next ITO. After creating this target vision, concrete measures must be defined to roll it out efficiently to the entire IT organisation, to start the transformation and to embark on the path towards becoming a modern partner for the specialist departments.

We help define and bring Next ITO to life

KPMG supports IT management in shaping this transformation and in defining and implementing Next ITO.

Together, we develop the target vision for the IT organisation and incorporate best-practice approaches and practical experience in implementing standards such as ITIL and COBIT as well as in agile frameworks. Clients benefit from our tried and tested processes for IT operations and application development, for example, which make it possible to implement regulatory requirements efficiently while at the same time supporting agility and automation. In addition, we provide appropriate metrics to manage and control service delivery so that IT supports the business as an efficient service partner.

In order to break new technological ground and increase efficiency, for example, through machine learning, we identify suitable software solutions with our customers and implement them together. Especially through our alliance partnership with ServiceNow, we offer the ability to implement one of the leading platforms, to substantially change the IT organisation and thus position it technologically with an eye toward the future.

Please get in touch with us.
