Greenfield investments present a high level of complexity, with effective risk management and strategic planning serving as critical factors in the early-on decision-making process for the investments.
Your key questions, challenges and objectives
- We will support your investment decision by challenging the existing business plan assumptions of your integrated business plan model based on discussions with your experts in order to increase transparency on possible scenarios for operational and financial KPIs: Is my business plan technically viable and complete?
- Are my key assumptions and resulting P&L, balance sheet and cashflow planning reasonable?
How we support
- Based on our benchmarking data base and usable industry-specific market studies we will conduct plausibility assessments
- Based on an integrated business plan model we identify key planning parameter (e.g. planned revenues, gross margin and EBIT(DA)-margin for specific products / segments under discussion with you
- Defining scenarios together with your experts and analyzing the consistency and level of ambition we will increase transparency on the operational and financial business risks
- Documenting the key business plan assumptions and key value driver
Olaf Thein
Partner, Deal Advisory, Valuation
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Examples of relevant credentials
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Andreas Glunz
Managing Partner International Business
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Joachim von Prittwitz
Markets, International Business
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft