Which technologies are supported by the EU Innovation Fund?

The aim of this funding is to develop technologies and innovations in energy-intensive industrial sectors that are also integrated into European emissions trading. The funding is based on revenues from European emissions trading and focuses on technologies such as renewable energies, energy storage, carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and cross-cutting technologies. The funding supports projects in the development and research phase and enables the construction and commissioning of pilot plants on an industrial scale. The projects are funded flexibly depending on the degree of realisation and effectiveness of the plant. The effectiveness of the plant is calculated and verified on the basis of the emissions avoided compared to the reference scenario. The subsidy increases with higher avoided emissions and amounts to at least 60 per cent.

What are the prerequisites and requirements for the Innovation Fund?

The external audit by an independent authorised body is mandatory for the verification of greenhouse gas balances and avoided emissions. The top priority is to ensure that the verification is complete, independent and without conflicts of interest, i.e. that the verification body has not been involved in any way in the preparation of your balances and calculations.

In order to verify the applications for the Innovation Fund, a valid accreditation in accordance with ISO 17029, ISO 14064-2 or ISO 14064-3 is required in accordance with the specifications of the EU Commission (InnovFund-LSC-2021 Application form). KPMG Cert Umweltgutachterorganisation holds all three of these accreditations.

How does the Innovation Fund verification process work?

Your data and calculations as well as your measures are checked by an independent body - on the basis of your documents and, if necessary, on site.

Gerd Krause

Managing Director
KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 221 2073-1363


Paula Auer-Saupe

Deputy Head of the Verification Body
KPMG Cert GmbH
T +49 711 9060 41516



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