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The worldwide recording and systematic evaluation of current fraud risks and vulnerabilities in the core areas of the company help in the timely identification of white-collar crime risks. Not only in Germany.

Almost every company is regularly affected by white-collar crime, internationally active companies much more frequently. In principle, risks emanate from internal and external perpetrators. Since the consequences of white-collar crime, such as sanctions, reputational damage or fines, always entail high and long-term consequential damages, the assessment of risks for companies is more important than ever.

In order to counteract the risks of white-collar crime and ensure the ability of companies to respond, it is important to fundamentally analyse core processes across the company and to shed light on critical process activities.

Identification of control weaknesses and misconduct

The KPMG Fraud Surveys provide you with an overview of current fraud risks as well as other process and control weaknesses in the core areas of your company (e.g. in sales, purchasing, logistics, HR, finance and controlling). These are online questionnaires that enable a complete process survey of the core areas.

Due to the modular structure of the questionnaires, you decide which modules are to be used and which company areas, if necessary at home and abroad, are to be subjected to a comprehensive evaluation. The adaptation of the questionnaires to your company and your industry ensures a customised analysis of your individual risk. As a result, you receive an overview, if desired as a digital dashboard, of the fraud risks and weak points of your company as well as recommendations for action for the identified risk factors.  

 Advantages of the Fraud Survey

  • Processing time of only approx. 30 minutes via PC, tablet or smartphone
  • Individual customisation and thus tailor-made analysis of your individual risks
  • Vertical (additional business processes) and horizontal (possible subsidiaries) scaling 
  • Comprehensive animation and visualisation through big data analytics and digital dashboards
  • Possibility of benchmarking

Based on the analysis, an anti-fraud management programme can be implemented or further measures can be taken to minimise and control risks in the long term.

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