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The requirements for IT departments are becoming ever greater – no matter whether they are strategic, regulatory, or operational in nature. This requires a future-proof design of all IT processes and technologies, on the one hand, and increased use of cloud-operated services, on the other.
In most companies in Germany, the cloud has become an indispensable component of their digitalisation strategy. This is evident from our Cloud Monitor 2023. The cloud promotes the digital transformation of internal processes. The ability to integrate new cloud solutions into existing corporate IT structures and the interoperability of solutions from various cloud providers are crucial for the successful use of cloud services.
The next step for many cloud users is multi-cloud computing to optimise applications, security, and cost. This requires strategic multi-cloud management.
Using the cloud – the right way
We help organizations transforming their cloud business. With our understanding of strategy, business, and processes as well as our technology, security, compliance, and governance expertise, we look at the cloud from various angles to turn it into a success.
In doing so, we consider which strategic, operational and regulatory challenges can be specifically improved, how your requirements for a private, hybrid or public cloud can best be implemented, and for what purposes IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) or SaaS (Software as a Service) can be used. We also examine whether a multi-cloud approach can be an attractive solution for you. And we also address data management optimisation and data protection issues.
Our method for your successful cloud journey
Get your organisation ready for a digital future with the KPMG Accelerated Cloud Transformation Programme. We are happy to accompany you on every step of your cloud journey: from vision, preparation and implementation to operation and optimisation.
Take advantage of our vast experience in the world of cloud computing. Don't hesitate to contact us.
Gernot Gutjahr
Partner, Consulting, Head of Technology Strategy & Operations
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Ashish Madan
CTO, Divisional Head of Technology Services
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Cloud-Monitor 2024
Hybride Cloud: Die Evolution der Cloud-Nutzung in modernen Unternehmen
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Weitere Blogbeiträge
- Cybergefahren für Unternehmen – wie Cloud und KI helfen können
- Podcast: "Autofahrer erwarten die modernste User Experience"
- FinOps: So gelingt effizientes Cloud-Kostenmanagement
- So bringen Cloud und künstliche Intelligenz Potenzial für Unternehmen
- Digitales Derisking: Auswirkungen auf Outsourcing und Shared Services
- Fünf Trends in der Cloud-Nutzung