KPMG employees can make the difference on your transformation journey, because when technology is placed in the right hands, great things can happen.

Through the personal insights, success stories and technology solutions of our consultants, discover how KPMG can help your organisation increase agility and resilience, laying the foundation for holistic growth.

How we make the difference

Our client cases

Jana Behr

"Others only transform. We are creating the financial sector of the future."

Jana Behr describes how she is shaping the future of finance for our clients.

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Ulrich Blaschke

"Others think transformation is a major effort. We turn it into a power pack."

Ulrich Blaschke talks about helping districts, social insurance institutions, hospitals and theatres to become fit for the future.

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Benjamin Blume

"Others see carve-outs. We see the future."

Benjamin Blume describes how he transforms carve-outs into new holding structures.

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Andreas Bong

"Others see legal tech as competition. We use automation as a catalyst."

Andreas Bong explains how he successfully transforms legal departments thanks to legal tech.

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Barbora Demcakova and Jan Rüther

"Others identify risks. We also scrutinise potential."

Barbora Demcakova and Jan Rüther,talk about helping companies to set up and implement value creation programmes.

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Luisa v. Esterházy

"Others manage processes. We use ERP to revolutionise processes."

Luisa Esterhazy outlines how she uses her expertise in ERP systems to reinvent process landscapes.

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Stephan Freismuth

"Others only understand ESG to mean reporting obligations. We know it's about more."

Stephan Freismuth explains, how he helps companies to comply with human rights, social and environmental standards in international trade.

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Katharina Gädecke

"Others only see ESG regulation. We recognise competitive advantages."

Katharina Gädeke explains how she sees ESG regulation not just as a light exercise, but as a springboard.

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Keywan Ghane

"Others talk about the energy transition. We put it into practice."

Keywan Ghane describes how he accompanies companies on the path to decarbonisation.

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Burcu Gülver

"Others avoid digital assets. We set the course."

Burcu Gülver describes how she is shaping the future of the financial sector with crypto compliance.

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Benedikt Höck

"Others are hyping AI. We turn the hype into customer benefits."

Benedikt Höck talks about how he makes data-driven decisions with AI to create real added value.

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Mario Juterzenka

"Others talk about digitalisation. We put it into practice."

Mario Juterzenka explains how he is actively shaping the digitalisation of public administration.

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Kristin Meyer

"Others consider tax and tech separately. We build the bridge."

Kristin Meyer explains what it takes to successfully realise digital business models internationally.

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Susan Pischel-Bowien

"Others struggle through the legal jungle. We provide clarity."

Susan Pischel-Bowien explains how she helps her clients to stay informed about banking supervisory regulations.

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Anna Richter

"Others pay 13 monthly salaries. We increase performance through strategic incentivisation."

Anna Richter explains in the video how she manages to make HR a key success factor.

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Jan Richter

"Others optimise performance in the short term. We can increase company value."

Jan Richter describes how he creates not only short-term efficiency, but also long-term resilience.

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Julia Ruf

"Others worry about transparent supply chains. We create transparency."

Julia Ruf shares how she helps companies to optimise their supply chains.

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Nancy Schanda

"Others calculate taxes. We give them a technological boost."

Nancy Schanda describes how she creates transparency in complex corporate landscapes.

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Tatjana Schulte and Vinod Bennerscheidt

"Others only see due diligence. We recognise real potential for value enhancement."

Tatjana Schulte and Vinod Bennerscheidt explain how the interdisciplinary approach helps them to convince clients.

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Philipp Volmer

"Others see crises. We recognise opportunities."

Philipp Volmer outlines how he not only identifies problems, but also creates solutions.

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Deborah Wehle and Florian Jung

"Others only think about the carve-out. We also think about long-term success."

Deborah Wehle and Florian Jung explain how they build interdisciplinary teams that can respond to customer needs.

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Mathias Winkler

"Others install technologies. We use them holistically and with a view to the future."

Mathias Winkler shows how he not only redesigns processes, but also work cultures.

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* Legal services are provided by KPMG Law Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.