Keywan Ghane, Partner, Deal Advisory Strategy, explains how he develops innovative, decentralised business models - and accompanies companies on the path to decarbonisation.


Three questions for Keywan

What motivates you every day?

Keywan Ghane: What I love about my work is the political, technological and social aspect of the topic of energy. I find the question of how to translate all this into entrepreneurial reality particularly exciting.

"I explain energy markets to non-energy companies and show customers new opportunities for growth."

Keywan Ghane
Keywan Ghane

What does transformation mean to you?

Keywan Ghane: Always think innovatively and in new, decentralised business models.

How do you make the difference?

Keywan Ghane: I have little fear of contact with other specialist areas outside the energy sector. Because that's what I do: I show companies that don't come from the energy sector opportunities and ways to enter new energy markets and advise them on decarbonisation issues. My ability to connect is not only evident with regard to the sectors, but also with regard to the different customers - I am very good at adopting and combining different professional perspectives.

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