You have worked hard to generate your family's wealth. Now you want to preserve it, grow it and – ultimately – transfer it to the next generation. To do that, you need a trusted advisor that can look at every angle to create smart, tailored solutions that evolve as your family situation changes.

At KPMG Law, our Private Client Service lawyers are recognized for taking a multidisciplinary approach to helping private clients manage and transfer their wealth. We operate as part of the KPMG Private Enterprise and Family Office practices, allowing us to take a more holistic view of our clients' challenges and opportunities.

In today's increasingly globalized and mobile world, our affiliation with KPMG International provides our clients with sweeping global reach and access to in-depth knowledge of tax regimes in more than 145 jurisdictions around the world. It also means our clients have access to insights on global and regional trends that could influence their wealth objectives.

Our lawyers build 'lifetime' relationships with their clients, serving as their family's trusted confidant and wealth advisor as they move through life stages and key events. For many clients, our services include:

  • Personal tax and estate planning
  • Wills and Powers of Attorney
  • Family business succession planning
  • Estate administration
  • Trust administration
  • Charitable foundation creation and administration
  • Estate litigation
  • Creation, governance and administration of indigenous trusts

At KPMG Law, our focus is on using our multidisciplinary approach to help private market clients preserve and manage wealth. Broader thinking; that's KPMG Law.

Find out how KPMG Law's private client services lawyers can help your organization realize its objectives. Contact one of our lawyers today.

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