Digitizing procurements together

KPMG in Canada and Ivalua have developed a relationship to provide clients leading services associated with the process design and implementation of a cloud-based source-to-pay application.

Ivalua is a leading provider of spend management cloud solutions and is recognized for market leadership in strategic sourcing suites and as a visionary for procure-to-pay suites. Ivalua customers realize noteworthy and accelerated savings and procurement teams can actively contribute to accelerate innovation, enable company growth, mitigate risks, and increase compliance.

KPMG advises clients on areas ranging from source-to-pay optimization, master data enhancement, and governance to implementation of e-Procurement technologies. Together with Ivalua, we have developed a joint approach to help minimize project interfaces with the client and help ensure the mobilization and coordination of top resources from both parties.

For the second year in a row, KPMG was named Ivalua’s Global Partner of the Year 2019.

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72% of manufacturers and retailers have or will soon be able to offer director-to-customer (D2C) capability, while 68% believe D2C will have a significant impact on their supply chains.

The road to everywhere: The future of supply chain

Have questions about your digital transformation strategy? Contact our advisors today.

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