On September 24, 2024, 3760626 Canada Inc. (the "Debtor") filed a notice of intention to file a proposal pursuant to Section 50.4 (1) of the BIA and KPMG Inc. has consented to act as Trustee under the proposal.
First Extension of Delay
On October 23, 2024, the Debtor obtained from the Court a first extension of delay to file its proposal until December 7, 2024.
On December 3, 2024, 3760626 Canada Inc. (the "Debtor") filed an assignment and KPMG Inc. was appointed Trustee of the estate of the Debtor.
Contact information
Phone : 514-840-2311
NOI - Documents
Trustee Reports
First Trustee's Report - 2024-09-27 [PDF 747 KB]
Second Trustee's Report - 2024-10-22 [PDF 906 KB]
Bankruptcy proceedings
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