BR Capital Inc. et al.

On September 15, 2022, BR Capital LP, BR Capital Inc., First Response International LP, First Response International GP LP, First Response International Inc., Health Education LP, Health Education GP LP, HELP Inc., ICE Health Systems GP LP, ICE Health Systems Inc. (AB) and SESCI Health Services Inc. each filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (an “NOI”) pursuant to Section 50.4(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”); and on September 16, 2022, ICE Health Systems LP and ICE Health Systems Ltd. each filed a NOI pursuant to Section 50.4(1) of the BIA (the forgoing limited partnerships and corporations being collectively referred to as the “Companies”). KPMG Inc. was appointed as Proposal Trustee of each of the Companies (the “Proposal Trustee”).

Contact information

Harman Jaswal

Proposal proceedings


Certificate for the Notice of Intention - BR Capital Inc. [PDF 76 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - BR capital LP [PDF 160 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - First Reponse International LP [PDF 170 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - First Response International Inc. [PDF 78 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - Health Education GP LP [PDF 170 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - Health Education LP [PDF 170 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - HELP Inc. [PDF 72 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - Ice Health Systems GP LP [PDF 160 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - ICE Health Systems Inc. [PDF 72 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - ICE Health Systems LP [PDF 160 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - ICE Health Systems Ltd [PDF 76 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention - SESCI Health Services Inc. [PDF 72 KB]

Certificate for the Notice of Intention- First Response International GP LP [PDF 161 KB]

Certificate of filing - BR Capital Inc.  [PDF 166 KB]

Certificate of filing - BR Capital LP [PDF 162 KB]

Certificate of filing - First Response International LP [PDF 163 KB]

Certificate of filing - First Response International Inc. [PDF 166 KB]

Certificate of filing - Health Education GP LP [PDF 163 KB]

Certificate of filing - Health Education LP [PDF 163 KB]

Certificate of filing - HELP Inc. [PDF 166 KB]

Certificate of filing - ICE Health Systems GP LP [PDF 163 KB]

Certificate of filing - ICE Health Systems Inc. [PDF 167 KB]

Certificate of filing - ICE Health Systems LP [PDF 163 KB]

Certificate of filing - ICE Health Systems Ltd. [PDF 167 KB]

Certificate of filing - SESCI Health Services Inc. [PDF 166 KB]

Certificate of filing - First Response International GP LP [PDF 163 KB]

Trustee's Certificate - 1 filed Oct 30, 2023 [PDF 1.2 MB]

Trustee's Certificate - 2 filed Oct 30, 2023 [PDF 1.2 MB]

Trustee's Certificate - 3 filed Oct 30, 2023 [PDF 1.2 MB]


Proposal [PDF 2.4 MB]

Creditors Package [PDF 1.3 MB]