
On August 8, 2024, the Court of King's Bench of Alberta (the "Court") issued an order (the "Initial Order") pursuant to the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA"). The Initial Order provided for certain relief, including a stay of proceedings against Freedom Cannabis Inc. (the "Company") and ordered that KPMG Inc. be appointed as Court-appointed monitor of the Applicants (in such capacity, the "Monitor").

Contact information
Toll-Free: 1-833-668-2933
Local: 416 218 8035

Court materials

2024-08-08 Extracts [PDF 7.3 MB]
2024-08-08 Book of Authorities - Part 1 of 3 [PDF 8.5 MB]
2024-08-08 Book of Authorities - Part 2 of 3 [PDF 8.7 MB]
2024-08-08 Book of Authorities - Part 3 of 3 [PDF 8.8 MB]
2024-08-08 Bench Brief of the Applicant [PDF 871 KB]
2024-08-08 Application [PDF 1.4 MB]
2024-08-09 Bench Brief of the Applicant [PDF 622 KB] 
2024-08-09 Application  [PDF 369 KB]
2024-08-13 Book of Authorities [PDF 1.6 MB]
2024-08-13 Bench Brief [PDF 668 KB]
2024-08-13 Amended Application [PDF 1.1 MB]
2024-08-13 Affidavit [PDF 8.8 MB]
2024-08-13 Certificate of Lawyer [PDF 389 KB]
2024-09-09 Affidavit [PDF 7 MB]
2024-09-09 Application [PDF 693 KB]
2024-09-09 Bench Brief Front Page [PDF 455 KB]
2024-09-09 Bench Brief [PDF 725 KB]
2024-09-12 Affidavit of Jason Sterling [PDF 1.7 MB]
2024-09-17 Brief [PDF 3.8 MB]
2024-10-02 Affidavit [PDF 5.1 MB]
2024-10-02 Application [PDF 1 MB]
2024-10-02 Certificate of Lawyer [PDF 1.5 MB]
2024-10-09 Bench Brief [PDF 1.2 MB]
2024-12-13 Affidavit [PDF 2.9 MB]
2024-12-13 Application [PDF 1.1 MB]
2024-12-13 Brief [PDF 1.7 MB]
2024-12-13 Affidavit for Filling [PDF 3.5 MB]
2024-12-18 Affidavit Part A [PDF 2.8 MB]
2024-12-18 Affidavit Part B [PDF 9.8 MB]
2024-12-18 Affidavit Part C [PDF 9.7 MB]
2025-02-04 Notice of Change of Representation [PDF 211 KB]
2025-02-18 Affidavit [PDF 8.5 MB]
2025-02-18 Application [PDF 702 KB]
2025-02-21 Bench Brief of the Applicant Part A [PDF 7.1 MB]
2025-02-21 Bench Brief of the Applicant Part B [PDF 9.4 MB]
2025-02-24 Affidavit [PDF 2.2 MB]
2025-03-20 Affidavit [PDF 767 KB]
2025-03-20 Application [PDF 1.1 MB]
2025-03-20 Minister's Brief of Law [PDF 1.3 MB]

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