Groupe Dessau Inc. and related companies (GDI) | Groupe Dessau International and related companies (GDII)
Groupe Dessau Inc. and related companies
Creditor and stakeholder information.
Creditor and stakeholder information.
Procedures in relation to Sections 351 and 354 of Business Corporation Act, CQLR, Chapter S-31.1 (Québec) (« BCA »)
Groupe Dessau Inc. and related companies
In the matter of the Liquidation of Groupe Dessau inc., Dessau Holding inc., Dessau Capital inc., 9387-1325 Québec inc. (formerly LVM inc.), Soprin ADS inc., Landry Gauthier & Associés inc., Fondatec inc., Dessau inc., Dessau ADL inc., Consultants VFP inc., Les Consultants René Gervais inc., Plania inc., Groupe Construction Verreault inc., 9387-5631 Québec inc. (formerly Verreault inc.) and 9198-6919 Québec inc. (collectively « Dessau »).
On May 3, 2019, the Commercial Division of the Superior Court of Québec, District of Montreal (the "Court"), issued a liquidation order, for Dessau. As per the terms of the liquidation order, KPMG Inc. was appointed liquidator to perform the distribution of the assets and the settlement of the debts of Dessau.
On May 3, 2019, the Court also issued a claim process order for Dessau, their directors and their officers. This order provides a process wich will be performe by the Liquidator for the purposes of identifying, establishing, adjudicating or otherwise resolving any and all claims.
Groupe Dessau International Inc. and related companies
In the matter of the Liquidation of Groupe Dessau International Inc., Dessau Holding International Inc., Dessau Capital International Inc. and Dessau International Inc. (collectively « Dessau International »).
On March 20, 2023, the Court issued a liquidation order for Dessau International. As per the terms of the liquidation order, KPMG Inc. was appointed liquidator to perform the distribution of the assets and the settlement of the debts of Dessau International.
KPMG inc.
1-833-467-5381 / 514-940-4200
Notice to creditors - [PDF 63 KB] 2019-05-03
Instructions letter to creditors - [PDF 109 KB] 2019-05-03
Proof of claim form - [PDF 119 KB] 2019-05-03
Notice of Objection - [PDF 79 KB]
Court Applications
Application for a Liquidation Order and for a Claims Process Order (French only) [PDF 2.1 MB] - 2019-05-01
Application for an order approving a settlement agreement – [PDF 1.1 MB] – 2022-05-27
Application for a Liquidation Order (Groupe Dessau International) (French only) – [PDF 791 KB] - 2023-03-01
Application for permission to destroy files (French only) - 2023-07-11 [PDF 1.8 MB]
Application to approve a settlement agreement (French only) - 2023-08-03 [PDF 909 KB]
Court Orders
Liquidation Order (French only) - [PDF 4.2 MB] 2019-05-03
Claims Process Order (French only) [PDF 3.3 MB] - 2019-05-03
Approval Order – [PDF 2.1 MB] – 2022-09-29
Liquidation Order (Groupe Dessau International) (French only) – [PDF 6.4 MB] – 2023-03-20
Judgment (Application for permission to destroy files) (French only) - 2023-08-28 [PDF 1 MB]
Judgment (Application to approve a settlement agreement) (French only) - 2024-01-25 [PDF 3.5 MB]
Reports of the Liquidator
First report of the Liquidator (French only) [PDF 192 KB] - 2019-05-01
Second report of the Liquidator (French only) [477 KB] - 2022-05-27
Report of the proposed Liquidator (French only) – [PDF 485 KB] - 2023-02-20
Third report of the Liquidator (French only) [391 KB] - 2023-08-11
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