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At KPMG our tax advisors can provide comprehensive and commercial advice on a broad range of issues tailored to your needs.

Tax is becoming a more and more important issue for today’s businesses. Attitudes to tax are changing and tax decisions are in the public eye more than ever. Organizations are becoming increasingly exposed to complex changes in tax regulations, demands for greater transparency and cooperation and challenges from the tax authorities.

At KPMG our tax advisors can provide comprehensive and commercial advice on a broad range of issues tailored to your needs to help you achieve your objectives in responsible and sustainable way.

We serve clients operating in a wide range of industry sectors, from real estate, retail and consumer goods to banking, financial and telecommunication services.

In addition KPMG’s Tax Technology and Innovation professionals are dedicated to automating tax compliance processes and turning data into value through analytical tools. We have developed a number of tax technology tools-stand alone and integrated approaches.

At the heart of our offering are our people, working at the following locations in Poland: Warsaw, Cracow, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Katowice and Łódź. Many of them being recognized on regular basis as a “Tier 1 Practitioners” in their respective areas of tax expertise via independent rankings conducted in Poland.
