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Tailor-made outsourcing
Cooperation with KPMG in Poland in the field of outsourcing accounting and payroll services brings many benefits, including the assistance of an interdisciplinary team of professionals who offer solutions tailored to the size and specificity of the company and an attractive price offer tailored to the individual needs of the client.

Benefits of working with KPMG:

  • You get a customised pricing plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • We work closely with you, based on ongoing interactions, transparent communication, and an understanding of your business and your expectations.
  • We take a proactive approach, notifying you of any deficiencies and errors we have identified in your documentation, suggesting possible solutions.
  • We offer an interdisciplinary team of professionals in accounting, financial reporting, and payroll administration, focused on cooperation and completion of assigned tasks within a specified timeframe.
  • You get access to tax and legal experts within KPMG’s global and local network, sector expertise, and foreign desks (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Korean) to facilitate your entry to and operation on the Polish market.
  • KPMG’s organisational culture is based on our values, ethical standards, and transparency.
  • We have many years of experience liaising with tax authorities and government administrative bodies.
  • You reduce the business risks arising in the frequently changing legal environment by ensuring compliance with the regulations in force in Poland, adherence to official deadlines, and regular staff training.
  • Your financial and payroll data are kept in strict confidentiality.
  • You can optimise the circulation of accounting and payroll documents, and streamline your reporting procedures at the management level and the group level.
  • You can reduce operating costs by eliminating expenditures on specialised software, staff retention and training, or monitoring changes in legislation, which translates into tangible savings you can plough back into growing your business.
  • You can focus on your core business, fully leveraging the existing capabilities and building a positive image by relying on a renowned accounting firm.

Contact us

Tax webinars and publications

See also
