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KPMG’s Fraud Risk Management team is part of an international network of professionals who support our clients in identifying and assessing risks arising from irregularities and fraud, contentious situations, and non-compliance with national and international standards and regulatory requirements.

A rapidly changing business environment, expansion of modern technologies, and a significant increase in the level of business regulation mean that many organisations are vulnerable to undesirable activities.

We provide services to domestic and international clients with a diverse range of business profiles. We collaborate with peer teams within the KPMG network around the world, ensuring access to state-of-the-art methodologies and technological solutions, as well as quick access to information and expertise on local business practices and regulations.

Our team, which comprises accounting, finance, law and IT specialists, provides comprehensive support by carrying out assignments involving fraud prevention, detection and response, in particular support in the area of:

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Scope of support

Investigations enable complex examining of frauds and irregularities, defining their scope, impact on company’s operations as well as preserving evidences for the purpose of further disciplinary or court proceedings.

KPMG Forensic and Dispute Services team has years of experience and expertise in the area of investigations. We ensure professional and effective support aiming at fact finding and assessment of the situation.

How we can help you?

We specialize in identification and investigating the cases of misconduct, transactions and behaviors.

We have extensive knowledge in forensic technology, we use modern tools for initial irregularities identification, i.e.  K-Monitor®, and also advanced techniques of data analysis, including trend analysis and electronic evidence recovery.

We provide specialized services of corporate intelligence, giving our clients access to modern techniques of visualization of relationships between entities and other advanced tools for aggregation and clear presentation of publicly available information i.e. K-3PID.

While delivering our projects we are aiming at minimizing the negative impact of identified irregularities on client’s operations and maximizing probability of lost assets recovery. We support our clients in evidence material preparation necessary for further steps, including court proceedings.

We conduct investigations in the area of:

  • Investigations in relation to individuals to whom loss of trust in the organization occurred
  • Investigations in regulatory matters, particularly in respect to FCPA and UK Bribery Act and other compliance procedures, including investigations relating to personal data protection, anti-money laundering and illegal price fixing
  • Investigations regarding irregularities in procurement processes, i.e. in respect to Public Procurement Law
  • Analysis of large investment project for asset management efficiency, potential conflict of interest with suppliers or cost manipulation
  • Analysis of advisory and marketing services
  • Investigations on financial statements frauds.