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KPMG’s expert team of engineers, economists and energy specialists help companies find their way in the dynamically changing world of energy. Thanks to KPMG’s international resources, we have developed a global set of data and solutions used by leading companies that have made the energy transition based on a carefully planned change strategy.

What is energy strategy and transition, and why is it so important?

Almost 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions are related to energy production and consumption. Achieving the state of climate neutrality sought by global climate agreements or the European Green Deal depends on efficient use of energy and transitioning to renewable energy sources (RES).

This energy transition means moving from generating energy from carbon-intensive fossil fuels, toward more environment-friendly technologies and solutions. Development of the right energy strategy, focusing on energy efficiency, RES and other factors, helps enterprises carry out the energy transition in a well-thought-out manner.

An energy strategy is a set of measures aimed at optimizing the costs of obtaining energy by the company and adapting its operations to current sustainability trends, including ESG reporting.

Challenges for companies related to energy transition

The changes in the energy market observed in recent years are forcing companies to change their energy strategies. Electricity is a significant cost of every company’s operations, affecting, among other things, competitiveness in its industry, on the domestic and international market. The competitiveness aspect is related to the growing regulatory requirements at the interface of energy and climate policy, as well as the expectations of market players and consumers.

What will you gain by implementing a good energy strategy?

Ikona: ograniczanie kosztów

Reduced costs

for the purchase of energy.

Ikona: minimalizowanie ryzyk

Minimizing risks

—regulatory, reputational, and those related to the transition towards a climate-neutral economy.

Ikona: Sprzyjające warunki

Favourable conditions

for the market development of the company.

Ikona: Konkurencyjność


compared to other companies and contractors adopting their own climate neutrality goals.

KPMG’s support in building and adapting an energy transition strategy

Our services helping clients cut their energy costs include: 

Click for details of support

KPMG supports clients in creating and implementing energy transition strategies for their business.

Support in concluding power purchase agreements (PPA)

PPAs are long-term contracts for purchase of electricity directly from providers of electricity from renewable sources. The final price is primarily the result of negotiations between the buyer and the producer. This tool allows the buyer to achieve a lower, more stable price.

Renewable PPAs are an important part of the European and global energy transition. Our support allows your company to take advantage of the opportunities associated with cleaner and cheaper energy. We invite you to review our detailed offer in this area.

Industry compensation schemes

Pursuant to the Act on the Compensation Scheme for Energy-Intensive Sectors and Subsectors of 19 July 2019, enterprises operating within the area specified in the act may apply for annual compensation for CO2 emission costs until 2030. The main eligibility criteria are holding an ISO14001, ISO 50001 or EMAS certificate and operating an industrial installation in one of the following areas:

  • pulp, paper and cardboard production,
  • production of iron, steel, copper, lead, zinc, tin, aluminium, and other non-ferrous metals,
  • production and processing of refined petroleum products,
  • iron foundry,
  • hydrogen production,
  • production of basic inorganic chemicals,
  • production of fibreglass mats,
  • production of leather clothing.

Our team of experts provides clients comprehensive support throughout the process of applying for compensation, from verification of eligibility and filing the aid application, to accounting for the funds received.

Investments in power generating sources

Building your own energy source can be an excellent solution to achieve savings on the purchase of electricity. We advise on the entire process of building all kinds of energy sources. Our support includes both profitability analysis and support in the selection of subcontractors.

We also support local government units in the process of selecting contractors for RES projects on their land, so they can generate the highest possible fees from project operation.

Due diligence of energy assets

Acquisition of existing generating assets poses a number of risks. Conducting due diligence provides a better, comprehensive understanding of the target’s situation and the related opportunities and threats.

We offer support by conducting the entire analysis process, across technical, environmental and market areas.

Aplikacja MDR Secure
Support in the purchase of electricity or gas

The multidisciplinary team of KPMG specialists will prepare an action strategy aimed at optimizing the client’s costs of electricity, heat or gas, based on:

  • volume,
  • energy consumption profile,
  • potential to develop in-house sources,
  • individual characteristics of the client’s business.

About us

At KPMG, we focus on innovative solutions, tailored to the specifics and needs of the client. Drawing on the experience of KPMG’s global network of experts, we effectively adapt innovative ideas and implementations to Polish conditions. Our experts support clients in the following areas: 

Solar power
Offshore and onshore wind energy
Gas and biogas

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